EOS爆紅了!但什麼是EOS??一看你就會明白 what is EOS

in #eos7 years ago (edited)


EOS 是一種新的區塊鏈架構,旨在實現分佈式應用的性能拓展。 EOS 項目的目標是實現一個類似操作系統一樣的支撐應用程序的區塊鏈架構。該架構可以提供賬戶,身份認證,數據庫,異步通信以及可在數以百計的 CPU 或群集上的程序調度。該技術的最終形式是一個塊鏈體系架構,該區塊鏈每秒可以支持數百萬個交易,同時普通用戶無需支付使用費用。

EOS.IO is software that introduces a blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications (the “EOS.IO Software”). This is achieved through an operating system-like construct upon which applications can be built. The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across multiple CPU cores and/or clusters. The resulting technology is a blockchain architecture that has the potential to scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminates user fees and allows for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications.

EOS 代幣銷售規則
EOS代幣銷售從 UTC 時間 2017 年 6 月 26 日 13 點開始,EOS 代幣銷售會持續 341 天。在這期間,一共有 10億個 EOS ERC - 20 權益代幣將會按下面的分配比例分配。

The EOS Token distribution will take place over 341 days starting on June 26, 2017 at 13:00 UTC. 1,000,000,000 (one billion) EOS ERC-20 compatible Tokens (“EOS Tokens”) will be distributed according to the schedule below:

EOS TokensDistribution Schedule
200,000,000distributed during a 5 day period beginning on June 26, 2017 at 13:00 UTC and ending on July 1, 2017 at 12:59:59 UTC.
700,000,000split evenly into 350 consecutive 23 hour periods of 2,000,000 EOS tokens each beginning on July 1, 2017 at 13:00:00 UTC.
100,000,000will be reserved for block.one and cannot be traded or transferred on the Ethereum network.

首2億個EOS代幣會在2017年6月26日13:00 UTC至2017年7月1日13:00UTC期間分配


最後1億個EOS代幣會歸於EOS區域鏈開發公司block.one擁有,不能夠以ERC 20代幣形式在以太坊市場中轉移或交易

At the end of the 5 day period and at the end of each 23 hour period referred to above, a set number of EOS Tokens will be distributed pro rata amongst all authorized purchasers, based on the total ETH contributed during those periods, respectively, as follows:
在每一個窗口期(第一個五天的窗口期以及之後的每23小時一個的窗口期) 完成後,EOS 代幣將會以每個窗口期的EOS 代幣額度除以該窗口期內所有參與者的以太坊總額平均分配給每個參與者。


a = Total ETH contributed by an authorized purchaser during the period.

b = Total number of EOS Tokens available for distribution in the period.
每個窗口期釋放的 EOS 代幣有效額度

c = Total ETH contributed by all authorized purchasers during the period.


I have a strong suspicion about EOS. First, I missunderstood their ICO terms. Didn't expect it to be tradeable immediately. But now it all makes sense, and might be the biggest scam ever.
They have collected 650000eth in their first round. That's their capital now. If they get more than 6500eth in the second round, which is 100 times smaller, it will seem there is rising market demand. So, it is enough for them to put 1% of their newly scammed capital back in to their own ICO to 'break even'. If they sell it at ever rising market prices, they will be able to multiply those 650k easily. And since it's a closed market, they have almost full control over it - a pump / dump paradise. With stolen eth!

If this is really just a rebranding of Bitshares, I tip my hat to the scammers. Well played. I hope there is something illegal in this.


Just bought EOS token today I am waiting for my token :D happy trading..

Uhmmmm... I've heard negative rumors about this token.

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