EOS Network Gets 15% Votes Casts As Expected And Is Fully Opperational

in #eos6 years ago

So basically we got past the 15% threshold on the votes which was very predictable and the mainnet is fully activated and will likely start passing other coin projects soon as there will be rapid development, migration of Ethereum DAPPS over to EOS, and lots of opportunities to make money surrounding the EOS ecosystem. I expect it to pass Bitcoin Cash in marketcap pretty soon to be honest. I think a lot of things that kept investors weary was all the FUD about the ERC-20 tokens not being worth anything and there were even high profile people saying that the people holding the tokens wouldn't be the people who would end up with the EOS that would be on the main network.

Then I even saw FUD saying that everyone who registered their tokens through Exodus in US or China wouldn't be able to recover their coins on the main network. Just bullshit after bullshit.

We have gotten this far and I expect in the near future for exchanges to unstake their coins and once their balances are liquid they will open up withdraws. I expect this to happen in the next 3 to 5 days. Also Block Producers will be getting paid now. I never voted for any at this point because of what I mentioned in the last post. I didn't feel like they were getting back with people and really helping answer questions for not just myself but many others as well. The one that I might vote for is @buildteam because previously a few of my questions got answered by them.

So far everything has played out as I expected besides the price but when the whole market is getting it's ass beat then it is hard for anything to not get sucked into that black hole. I expect a lot of demand to be driven to EOS and I have already seen tokens being created on there and also people are still snagging up the usernames as well.

I'll tell you one main difference between 2014 and 2018 is that in 2014 a lot of projects didn't have the funding to make it through the crypto nuclear winter. So much was raised in these crowd funding campaigns that projects like EOS have solidified their future. They can finance the development of the EOS software for a longtime and sustain themselves to support the ecosystem. They are like the Linux Kernel project in a lot of ways at this point except with way more money!

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Cool, thanks for sharing.

Very nice! It's really exciting to see the start of a highly anticipated blockchain during these times.

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