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in #eos6 years ago


Many people, myself included, have tried to define ethical behavior in terms of "rights". After wrestling with this concept for a long while, I finally realized it presented unnecessary difficulties, because we have no consistent sensory-based definition of "rights".

A simpler and more direct approach can be derived by defining an objectively valid ethic and using it to define acts that are ethical. A good example: An act is ethical if it increases truth, awareness, creativity, or love for at least one person, including the person acting, without limiting or diminishing any of these resources for anyone.

As shown in the link below, this ethic has many desirable logical consequences. It also makes the task of writing a good constitution much easier than otherwise.

In an article that I am currently composing I will provide 3 examples of such constitutions for consideration by the EOS team.


One consideration, when considering the content of a constitution, is simplicity and conciseness. Here is an example of a very concise "Code of Honor" that could form the basis of an ethical constitution.

Here is another possible template for an EOS constitution. More detailed and comprehensive than the one above, it contains, as a logical subset, all of the suggestions that William Edwards Deming gave the Japanese in 1950 - the suggestions that led to the extraordinary success of Japanese industry.

My third exemplar of an ethical constitution is the Constitution of Titania - a borderless domain characterized by the ethical commitment of its members. Based on the Bill of Ethics defined above, this constitution illustrates how the reasoning can be applied to any number of organizational challenges.

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