EOS down, STEEM up

in #eos4 years ago

Block One, the creators of the EOS blockchain, has recently released more details about Voice, a social media platform that's supposed to be the flagship application launched on this blockchain.


Aaand... I'm out. My interest in anything EOS related has pretty much died of.

So many promises made, so little potential fulfilled. Remember EOS's year long ICO? A 4 billion dollars worth of potential that has delivered a blockchain that has been congested for months now by a single application. Also, there are problems with the voting regarding the block producers which I won't go into.

Now this KYC verification shit for Voice.

I'm supposed to send documents to prove my identity and address to a corporation in order to use a social media platform? Why? Because people nowadays are such snowflakes that they can't handle online trolling? I saw people in the EOS subreddit applauding this initiative to introduce KYC verification for Voice because they don't like bots and trolls.

Look man, if you are negatively (or positively) affected by what random anonymous people 'say' to you online, people you haven't met and spoken face to face to, people that don't know what's in your mind and soul, then you should probably stop using social media and take a closer look at yourself and your personality. Maybe, just maybe, you are not made to use certain parts of the internet. And that's ok.

Coming back to Voice.

Do you really want to tie your real identity and address to an online social media site that will use blockchain technology? Are people that shortsighted? How many people have lost their jobs for dumb shit that they've posted on Twitter or Facebook 10 years ago? Go ahead, do a little search on this topic. Did I mention that Voice will use blockchain technology, a technology that will prevent you from deleting your posts? I think I did.

Also, how many examples we already have of centralized databases that have been hacked and thus personal information of millions of people have been exposed and are currently being sold on the dark web? Here are a few of the recent ones:

Over 267 million Facebook users reportedly had data exposed online

Another 540 million Facebook users' data has been exposed

Hackers selling Facebook logins on the dark web for $2

620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web

I guess we need another honeypot to be a target for bad actors.

But, but, but... we need to combat manipulation and the spread of disinformation, so we need to tie people's real identities to their online personas in order to make everybody more responsible for what they share online. Yeah, sure we do. We need this like we need cancer of the brain.

Again, the shortsightedness of people really amazes me.

Have your heard about the Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren's recent proposal to criminalize the spread of disinformation online?

Have you heard about journalists that have been sued and fined just because they re-shared stuff on their social media profiles? Here's a recent example about a Japanese journalist. You can find more examples if you'll do a little search.

Ask yourself, do you really trust a centralized authority, a centralized institution, a government to decide what disinformation is and then put into effect coercive actions? Of course, all done in the name of protecting the collective well-being or some bullshit reason like that. Do you really, really, really want government to DECIDE and TELL you what truth is?

Maybe you're thinking: "well I don't believe in stupid bullshit, I don't believe in conspiracy theories and all that and yes, politicians know better than me". Sure, that might be true. For now. But what about 5 years from now? What about 20 years from now? What if something that's considered common knowledge today will be considered a dangerous idea to a more authoritarian regime that gains power in the future? It's the year 2050 and the Communist Party of America has decided to make a database of all the people that thought democracy is such a wonderful thing by scraping everything that everyone has posted online in the past 30 years. Now you've become a potential enemy of the state. You think that this is such a far-fetched scenario? Take a look at what China is currently doing and read this article: Why a social credit system is so scary.

All that being said, I've sold all my EOS and exchanged it for STEEM.

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