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RE: Premium Quality EOS Stickers For Sale!!!

in #eos6 years ago

ill give u 100% upvote to be nice but come on $6.50?

just lower the price and I will resteem

ok @Stray I need my stickers that i buy from you to have teh actual words EOS or its kidna pointless
I will buy some tho anyway tto be nice AT our previous prices of $2 per sticker which is actually charity because I can get them so much cheaper online, these are stickers man, come on you gotta be competitive!

but to sell me larger quantity i want EOS on them
defiunitley not paying $6.50 each tho thast a fantasy, u kidding stray?
@Stray ill pay $2 max and thats charity price why cant i get same price as the steem stickers?
are uy trying to sell them liek for 1 EOS each or somethin? LOLOL

whatever tho, I still upovot this over $1 and hgot you a tytran upvote :D

maybe you had a typo?

Whatever its you are freedom to charge what you want but its my freedom to complain about price gouging :D and if it costed you that much to make em, you GOTTA find a better way to make em or do more at once or somethin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one will pay $6.50 for a sticker man!!!!!! WTFFFFF hahahaha

don't you want me to buy these?!?!?!


Can't beat hand made in america!!! :-)

Well to be honest I low balled myself on the first batch Ackza. The 6.50 price came right from my boss, and i need make a profit on them or its pointless to mke them. Sorry, man.

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