Wolf Logo Contest - Winner Gets 25 EOS + 250 Mutton

wolf.social needs an excellent logo to take the next step in branding that makes users say... Awoo!

If I choose your logo you will win 25 EOS tokens + 250 Mutton tokens.

Honorable mentions will receive 50 to 100 Mutton tokens at my discretion.

Post your entries below as well as email [email protected]

Do you want more Mutton tokens?

You don't have to be an artist to earn them. We are distributing up to 500 Mutton tokens to anyone who joins wolf.social and gives us productive feedback.

And if you can CODE, you can earn thousands of Mutton tokens! (+EOS)

OK EOS community - let's see what you can create!


This is my logo!




I like the background because it is like money... the mutton!!

I think that this is incredible!

That is very nice man!

Ill toss in 100 beyondbits and 25 eosbits into the pot!

Thanks Fuzzy - Builder of Voltron!

You are welcome man :)

Lets help the builders right?

Looks interesting but do you have a password to be able to join?

Yes, just email [email protected] and I will send you a password. And if you want, tell me what username you prefer.

Perfect, thanks.

before people receive tokens they actually rather want to give away directly like the voiceshare tokens please explain the mutton tokens and what their value is ;) I go for the EOS and will make a logo but is it free to make whatever you like ? wht project is it and in what direction do we need to look for?

Wolf is best described as a human action network where users collaborate on and crowdfund missions. Mutton would be the steem like token.

I do see value in a general share drop, for instance all wallets on Bitshares however I don't think that I will do that, at least at this time.

wolf.social is in a stealth mode phase and will definitely give out tokens to anyone who participates with feedback in our many forms on the website. Anyone who is interested can earn mutton there and add value to the network in the process.

For access just email [email protected]

I will add a description of what kind of logo that I invision but it is open to artistic interpretation. :)

Here you go (if you want it). Ioved the Mutton logo he made so I made a coin out of it . Use as you wish. Oh and since i did not originate this art, i do not take credit for it.

I just thought might be good to make it look like a gold coin :)

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