Top news and views about Environment and Cleantech for 3 Apr 2017

in #environment7 years ago

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Donald Trump's 'insane' climate change policy will destroy more jobs than it creates, says global warming expert

Donald Trump's 'insane' climate change policy will destroy more jobs than it creates, says global warming expert

Donald Trump will speed up global warming and will potentially destroy more American jobs than he creates, a climate change expert has warned.

Tom Crowther, who recently led a global warming report that is already being adopted by the United Nations, also said the US President’s short-sighted approach was “brutal” and “insane”.

The billionaire tycoon signed an executive order as part of the administration’s plan to roll back Barack Obama’s climate change measures.

Dr Crowther, back in December, said average temperatures are forecast to increase by 1C by 2050 and that global warming is beyond the “point of no return”.

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Energy Department climate office bans use of phrase ‘climate change’

Energy Department climate office bans use of phrase ‘climate change’

A supervisor at the Energy Department's international climate office told staff this week not to use the phrases "climate change," "emissions reduction" or "Paris Agreement" in written memos, briefings or other written communication, sources have told POLITICO.

Employees of DOE’s Office of International Climate and Clean Energy learned of the ban at a meeting Tuesday, the same day President Donald Trump signed an executive order at EPA headquarters to reverse most of former President Barack Obama's climate regulatory initiatives. Officials at the State Department and in other DOE offices said they had not been given a banned words list, but they had started avoiding climate-related terms in their memos and briefings given the new administration's direction on climate change.

The Office of International Climate and Clean Energy is the only office at DOE with the words "climate" in its name, and it may be endangered as Trump looks to reorganize government agencies. It plays a key role in U.S. participation in the Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation, two international efforts launched under Obama that were designed to advance clean energy technology.

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Green Magic Homes

Green Magic Homes

Can you imagine living under your garden, your flowers, your trees, in a green vibrant living landscape? All this is can be possible with GREEN MAGIC HOMES technology. These elegant arched structures are made of fiber reinforced polymer modular components which are durable, flexible and waterproof. With endless design possibilities, these structures can be assembled quickly and easily, with minimal cost to create a gracious living environment in harmony with nature.

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New trailer for Al Gore’s 'Inconvenient Truth' sequel shows President Trump as climate change villain

New trailer for Al Gore’s 'Inconvenient Truth' sequel shows President Trump as climate change villain

The trailer for “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power,” the second film in Al Gore’s franchise of climate change documentaries, depicts President Trump as an antagonist. The clip that Gore shared via Twitter on Wednesday shows the president at an airport rally held last April in Rochester, N.Y., where then-candidate Trump mocks the climate science consensus.

“It’s supposed to be 70 degrees today,” Trump says. “It’s freezing here! Speaking of global warming, where is — we need some global warming!”

As for Gore, the trailer vindicates the former vice president’s climate change predictions. Gore says that the most criticized part of 2006’s “Inconvenient Truth,” which won a documentary feature Oscar in 2007, was the notion that the World Trade Center Memorial could flood from rising sea levels and stronger storm surges. Smash cut to 2012 — “Hurricane Sandy slammed into New York City last night, flooding the World Trade Center site,” a newscaster says in the trailer.

The trailer jumps from the devastation wreaked by extreme weather events to shots of green energy infrastructure and Gore pumping the hand of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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One of the most troubling ideas about climate change just found new evidence in its favor

One of the most troubling ideas about climate change just found new evidence in its favor

Ever since 2012, scientists have been debating a complex and frankly explosive idea about how a warming planet will alter our weather — one that, if it’s correct, would have profound implications across the Northern Hemisphere and especially in its middle latitudes, where hundreds of millions of people live.

The idea is that climate change doesn’t merely increase the overall likelihood of heat waves, say, or the volume of rainfall — it also changes the flow of weather itself. By altering massive planet-scale air patterns like the jet stream (pictured above), which flows in waves from west to east in the Northern Hemisphere, a warming planet causes our weather to become more stuck in place. This means that a given weather pattern, whatever it may be, may persist for longer, thus driving extreme droughts, heat waves, downpours and more.

This basic idea has sparked half a decade of criticism and debate, and at the cutting edge of research, scientists continue to grapple with it. And now, a new study once again reinforces one of its core aspects.

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Unbalanced climate-change hearing proves pointless

Unbalanced climate-change hearing proves pointless

The House Science Committee convened a hearing on climate-change science Wednesday morning and it went just as I expected. We learned little, and political theater upstaged almost all productive discussion of science.

The witness panel, dominated by selections from the Republican majority, engaged in a fruitless debate over climate-change science fundamentals rather than advancing new, productive ideas to manage the problem.

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Prepared by @SydesJokes

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