What is the REAL cost of a present? PLASTIC CONTINENTSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #environment7 years ago (edited)

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We have been conditioned to believe that presents should be bought from shops & that the amount of money we spend somehow reflects the amount of love we feel for the person we are giving it to.

It does not work this way in our family.

As often as possible we ensure that our presents don't cost money and that they don't harm the environment.


Today was my beautiful partner Sabrina's birthday, and instead of rushing out to the shops to spend money on something, I awoke half an hour early and went for a walk around our riverside jungle community to seek out the best flowers and leaves to put together in a water holder before the rest of the family woke.

Here you can see the collection as I was putting it together in the morning sunlight amongst the abundant colours & bamboo wind chimes of our beautiful Bali garden.

...and here you can see the finished presentation when the kids woke up at 8am.
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Finally, this is all of us having lunch together as a family today.

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Back in my London days

As someone who grew up in London I am all too familiar with the shopping mall experience and the ease with which one can purchase a gift wrapped item accompanied by a card with a few generic words within. All without having to do anything at all... except hand over the cash.


What is wrong with this you may ask?

From my perspective it seems rather impersonal to give someone a present in this manner.

And what of the manufacturers ethics? Are you able to look into this whist standing in the shop? Is there any information on this to see there?


Why not make that little bit of extra effort to make something for them out of items that were purchased some time ago?

Or pick an awesome bunch of flowers like I did this morning?

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The bulk of purchaced goods are encased within plastic and the items themselves are likely to contain non biodegradable substances. Let's not even start to talk about the plastic bags most people carry them home in!

Some of you may already be aware of the REAL cost of purchasing plastic covered items.

Here in Indonesia it is all too evident. There is plastic all over the beaches, depending on the time of year and there are even dumping spots along the rivers inland where people come to throw their rubbish, and with no government assistance to look after rubbish removal, it is hardly a big surprise.

This a GLOBAL problem now with multiple gyres building bigger and bigger in our oceans, floating on the surface like mini continents. Not likely to go anywhere any time soon.

What is the solution?

It is far more simple than you might think. The best present you can give someone is simply to be 100% present with them, focusing your attention on all that is wonderful about them and giving them the most fun and loving side of you character.

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Here is my family and I last week when we took the time to dress up in each other's clothes. 100% present. 100% in the moment. 100% focused on enjoying each other's company.

Clothes swapping day 2.jpg

So, that's me for now.... back to the birthday party before I get told off for writing Steemit posts!

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great post.. I love family photos. you guys look so happy and you are right being together is the greatest gift you can give. The simple life is so wonderful and it looks as if you live in a paradise. The jungle must be exciting to hear the noises of life all around you.

I am blessed to have discovered Steemit because now I can spend my ENTIRE LIFE at home with them...

...as long as I get my few steemit posts done every day ;)

that's wonderful to know :)

Good Morning, Sam.
I think it's great that you don't feel that presents must cost great amounts of money.
I've always subscribed to the theory that "You" are what makes the gift special. I guess that's why I have always been partial to giving poems and homemade art for birthdays and special holidays.
Keep up the good work.

Thanks very much for your comment. Sounds like we are singing from the same hymn book ;)

You hit a homerun. I like the idea of a present of presence.

Thanks. It is something I have been focusing my attention on recently. Getting better at being 100% present for her. And the kids ;)

Happy Birthday to Sabrina !! Very cute little family !

Hey there! I will pass on your Birthday wishes ;)

Hope to see you soon x

Very nice Sam. The part that makes the greatest impression on me and hopefully your children is that taking the time and effort for someone important in your life is the greatest gift you can give a person. Hopefully your children will take your lead and make it a tradition in their families as they grow older as well.

I hope so too and feel very connected to my family despite having so much work to do every day. Am lucky that my office is in the house! Many thanks for the comment ;)

The time and effort you took to gather and assemble the birthday present and the ritual your family follow is remarkable and exhibition of true love.
Its is true that tradition of being judged by the money spent on gifts is terrible. But people are always looking for easy way but it is also an effort going to a supermarket and chosing the gift. Besides the gift can be a much needed thing to whom it is meant for. Just handing over the money is simply an exchange of value.
Plastics has been a boon and a curse for mankind. Pollution is a major problem everywhere. Pollution is not fault of plastic but of humans who are ignorant or uneducated. I guess the best solution is to act your part and perhaps convey message to others about the backdraws of plastic pollution but relying on government for rubbish removal would be just being an ignorant.
Anyways, thank you for your post and I liked your 100% present moment focus for your family and Happy Birthday to Sabrina! Have a good one!🎂

Thanks very much for the comment my friend ;)

Yes, the best gift for others is not necessarily the most expansive and not necessarily the gift we would like for ourselves.

Yes indeed. Thank you for your words ;)

Great post 👍
Cheers from indonesia

Cheers from Bali 🌅

Excellent point mate! UPvoted and resteemed with pleasure! =)

thanks brolio ;)

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