Globalist Owned Corps Induced Environmental Change > "Man-Made" Carbon Climate Change

in #environment2 years ago (edited)

"A study from the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis reveals how nano-materials have already been integrated into our food supply, and that they can have chronic effects on the human body and the environment."

Presented by Red Pilled TV:

We are reminded, day in and day out, of our "massive impact" on planet earth, by corporate owned hollywood media and environmentalist stooges. But, without a source of material to waste, the people of earth are one with the planet. This can be seen in the jungle tribes of the Amazon. No corner Starbucks selling product where they live. No lunatic Neo-Liberal Nazi driving a Tesla either.


Who is really responsible for the alleged changes in earth's climate? The consumer or their source? Who benefits most? Clearly it is the corp. To evade blame, will the globalist and their environmentalism turn to rational thinking and support the scientific evidence; change is a constant and the most extreme change in earth's history had zero to do with humans.

Dino farts? I know, insanity.

Now, the same corp globalists are contaminating everything with toxic nano-material while blaming their customer for a lack of rainfall. And environmentalists everywhere agree...

To keep their mouths shut.

Here's real evidence of climate change:

(Image source:

The dotted line is modern climate temperature, 0 equals today and 1 equals 1000 years.

Humans changed nothing. Pro global dominace corporations sold humanity on producing waste materials, chemicals; polution to damage plant, animal and human ecosystems. Globalists benefit the population suffers. Like slaves.

The earth, however, is unfased by man's accomplishments.

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