Urf Day at the Lieberry

in #environment7 years ago (edited)

Today was Earth Day. Let me see if I can remember what that day celebrates. We defeated the alien invaders? Wait, no, that was the "Independence Day" movies. Earth first, because we can strip-mine the other planets later? No, I got the feeling there was a different sentiment. Oh, right. It was about saving the planet.

And somehow a drum circle was an important part of this project.

Yeah, I poke fun at hippies, but I really do care about the environment. Pollution is bad, destruction of wildlife habitat is a problem, and conservation of natural resources is important. However, I disagree quite strongly with the means the promoters of Earth Day espouse to address these issues.

More government programs and regulations are not solutions. A sound understanding of property rights, market action, and liability for damages would work far better. But this does not benefit politicians who seek more power, or their corporate cronies who seek more wealth and market share. And the corporations, despite their government-granted legal status and government-protected operations, are invariably held up as proof that the free market is a danger to the environment.

There is obviously a market demand for conservation efforts, since so many people vocally support the idea. There is nothing in libertarian property rights principles contrary to the idea of preservation of wilderness areas as viable homesteading endeavors. Some serious exploration of how to define such a project is necessary, but by no means impossible.

How do we get to a free-market solution that protects life, liberty, and property? I don't know. But I am certain that politics is not a solution. After all, government programs are a massive source of pollution and waste, and corporations rely on its protections and exemptions.

Bonus Earth Day Craft Idea: Seed Bombs

seed bomb


  • Air dry clay
  • Potting soil
  • Wildflower seeds

These instructions are necessarily vague due to variability in materials. Experiment!

Make a small ball of clay, approximately 1"(25mm) in diameter. Mold it into a shallow bowl or saucer shape between 2 and 3" (50-75mm) in diameter. It needs to be large enough for the next step, but not so thin it breaks when folded. Place a small mound of potting soil and a pinch of seeds into the middle. Wrap and crimp the clay into a sealed pouch, and roll it all into a ball again. Let dry.

Toss the seed bombs into areas that need a wildflower population! Just don't trespass. Water in the environment will break down the clay and allow the seeds to germinate!


"More government programs and regulations are not solutions. A sound understanding of property rights, market action, and liability for damages would work far better..."

Agreed and upvoted!

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