Greenhouse effect and it’s solutions

in #environment6 years ago

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Sun is the source of our earth’s energy. We get this energy through sunlight which produce heat and helps to lead our normal life. Due to greenhouse gases some portion of this heat are trapped and increase the earth’s temperature which is commonly known as greenhouse effect.

We can say the definition in more organized way like below-

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. This is called greenhouse effect.

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Reasons of increasing greenhouse gasses:


Cutting trees is one of the reasons of greenhouse effect. Due to cutting trees the consumption of carbon dioxides reduces resulting increase of this gas in environment.


Due to increase of mills and factories, the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are increasing day by day.

Brick field:

Brick field is another source of greenhouse gases. It releases a lot of carbon dioxide every day.

Gas emissions from vehicles:

Increase of vehicles every day is one of the reasons of increasing greenhouse gases. This is another source of emitting carbon dioxide in the air.

Methane emissions due to treatment of garbage and human wastes:

When garbage is buried in a landfill the gas is captured and used as a fuel, the methane eventually escapes to the atmosphere. Methane is also emitted when human waste (sewage) is treated anaerobically.

Nitrous Oxides emissions:

Fertilizer use increases nitrous oxide emissions. This is one of the greenhouse gases which is responsible for greenhouse effects.

How greenhouse effect can be reduced?

Planting Trees:

We have to plant trees as many as possible. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. A single tree can absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. So, by planting trees we can reduce greenhouse effects.

Use electric cars and drive less:

Using electric cars will reduce gas emissions in the air. Also, less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving patrols, walking and biking can enhance exercise. Every gallon of gas you save not only helps your budget, it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Use less hot water:

We should practice boiling and use hot water as less as possible. Because, boiling water creates carbon di oxide. This practice can save at least 500 pounds of carbon dioxide annually in most households.

Reuse and recycle the daily use products:

Reusing of products will help to reduce waste. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.

Use refrigerator and air conditioner as minimal as possible:

This practice will reduce the emissions of CFCs to the environment. By circulation of natural air we can reduce the use of air conditioners which is also health beneficial.

Buy energy efficient products:

Always remember, as less we will use energy the environment will get more benefits. Energy efficient products will emit less gases to the environment and will save us from greenhouse effects.

This is the only planet where we can live. To survive we have to keep its environment safe. Due to greenhouse effect the earth’s temperatures are rising day by day resulting unwanted flooding and global warming’s. Not only for us, we have to work for our next generation. So, greenhouse effect is one of the challenges that we need to handle very carefully.

Thanks for reading.


Extensive exploitation of natural resources and industrialization and living standard at the cost of environment and nature is the primary cause of GHG emission and our next generation will suffer like anything if we dont check our habits and spread awareness.

Thanks for your attention.

When we bite the nature, nature bites us back . Thats the story. It high time we stopped doing harm to nature, unless we want to extinct us.

We don understand about our weather and don't well know about environment. Every moment we destroy our green world. সুন্দর লিখনির মাধ্যমে সবাইকে সচেত করার যে প্রায়স তার জন্য ধন্যবাদ জানায়।

You are welcome.

Worth of reading. We should seriously look at this problem. There is some systematic risks that we may unable to solve. But if we want we can easily eliminate the unsystematic risks. If we fail to take care of this, our existence will see an enormous threat soon.

Thanks for your opinion.

Sometimes some of the important points we forget to memorize... thanks for pointing this important matter again...

Thanks for your attention.

nice explanation dear..
thanks a lot for such an informative post.

Your are welcome.

Awareness is the only to get rid of this problem.

China is the most responsible for climate change since one report shows that China emitted 9697 million tonnes (MT) or 28.6%.Hope this great article will help them to be aware regarding this.

very nice post, I really like, hopefully more successful

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