Why symbiosis works between Dolphins and some people just help each other , it concerns MINNOWS ! ! ! . . .

in #environment8 years ago (edited)

Down Brazil way, a tiny fishing village lives near their local pod of Dolphins.


Now you can fish the hard way or the easy way, so every day the fishermen stand in the water quietly holding their nets. They must be ready because the Dolphins expect them to be ready. Humans and Dolphins working together for 120 years : )


After a few hours the Dolphins have slowly gathered huge clumps of minnows into tight schools of fish. Survival for the minnows is to stay in the ball so the dolphins cannot easily single out individuals to eat. But the dolphins have a plan and this plan relies upon the humans being absolutely still for hours not to disturb the huge ball of minnows.


Once the Dolphins have driven the small minnows towards the waiting fishermen they also surface to signal the fisherman it is time to throw their nets. This is necessary since the fisherman cannot accurately gauge how tight the minnow balls are, the tighter the ball the more fish caught into the net.


Up to 100 fish can be caught in one good net throw but the other affect is this net breaking the water causes individuals to flee the ball making easy prey for the dolphins as food. It is this working together that the Dolphins and humans combine to form a symbiotic partnership to concentrate small fish for mass harvesting.


This village has been working with the local dolphins for 120 years, as generations follow generations in smart cooperation. No one is sure why only half the local dolphin pod cooperate with the humans, but the other half never participate. Over the years the local fisherman can identify and name the active participants . . .


My opinion is the helpful group of Dolphins are just smart enough that working together just nets more efficient results and is just good community relations ! ! !

Thank you Pixabay for the kool images ; )
This is my first attempt at an integrated images posting : )

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