Positive news #1 - China is becoming a green superpower!

We all know that the chinese government can be stubborn. But once they set their minds on something, and want to achieve something, they really go all-out and go for it.

Sungrow Power Supply announced that last month they completed the construction of a 40-megaWatt floating solar power plant. The area once was a coal mining town, but (ironically) it flooded. It is now officially the worlds largest floating solar power plant in the world. Thanks to its placement offshore, it doesn’t take up any “space”, and it uses less energy than most solar farms as the seawater acts as a natural coolant.

The floating solar power plant.

Similar sized projects are popping up all over China every day. In fact, China is building about 2 wind power plants per day.

There is even a project going on right now, where privately-owned and state-owned companies are converting Chernobyl into a solar power plant. If finished, and at full capacity, this will provide 2 gigaWatt of power, providing 750,000 homes with electricity. The floating power plant in China can provide 15,000 households with electricity at full capacity. Off course much less than 750.000 but is just shows the green ambition of China.

Off course China is still the #1 Green House Gas (GHG) emitter, but unlike the US government, China is now seeing the light, and as I said, once they want to achieve something, they really, really go for it.

Source: http://www.iflscience.com/environment/china-home-worlds-largest-floating-solar-power-plant/


I think if china continues this way of implementing inovvation they are soon gonna be replace america as the most powerful country in the world!

Defenitely agree with you. While China is cathing up with Europe, the U.S. is almost going back to the cowboy's.

That is interesting ... upvoted and resteemed :)

Thanks! Appreciate it a lot.

China has big plans to tackle pollution and climate change.

It's great to see

I'm sure the people living in the bigger cities will appreciate being able to breath better during the winter months!


If you think about it, it is totally absurd that some cities got to a point where people couldn't even breathe properly.

that's amazing, if China go green, it would be one of the most beautiful and liveable country!

Totally agree, it is such an amazing country with beautifull history, nature and possibilities.

But what about life in the water under the plant? Fine it has been flooded, but well... We may now destroy the ecosystem a second time...

With this respect, is all of this really green?

Hey, very good question. The original article states that the water underneath is already dead because of the coal-mines. Maybe some life has come up, but nowhere near a true ecosystem, because that takes a lot of time to be created. So taken that into account, it should be pretty green :)
Thanks for the upvote by the way, really keeps me motivated te create more content!

I see. Thanks for the additional information :)

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