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RE: Climate Change Is A War Crime

in #environment6 years ago (edited)

This is the classic explanation given by believers of man made global warming but fortunately it's been completely debunked.

The first thing you should know about science is it doesn't work by consensus.
Science works on EVIDENCE...HARD EVIDENCE!. Repeatable verifiable falsifiable physical evidence, not opinions, hunches or speculation.

There's no evidence for your above speculation.
The predicted Rising Global temperatures. Rising sea levels, Melting polar ice caps, The end of snow, The extinction of polar bears etc. have all failed to occur.

Furthermore, Some of the top IPCC"climate scientist" have been exposed for rigging their results (as in "Hide the Decline") in which they attempled to hide the fact that the Global temperature was actually declining rather than rising. They also rigged their computed simulations to give the results they wanted which was rising temperatures.

After this exposure the IPCC had to change their predictions form Global Warming to Climate Change since they could no longer claim warming and no one could contradict climate change which as we know is always present.

Most people now realise this was a hoax from the get go and it's about time you realised it too.

NASA just released the truth of the matter by mistake and very guickly took it down, but not before some people got a snapshot of it an put it back up.
see:NASA removes article from its website about the sun

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