Boon and Bane of Being An Entrepreneur - About The Pressure to Deliver

in #entrepreneurship6 years ago (edited)

There are similarities between business and sport, in the pressures involved and in the fitness aspect, too. - Peter Shilton

You can tell, Peter.

I've gone on adventure a couple of times in my life, but being an entrepreneur is probably the most challenging one of all.

For the first time ever I'm in that position now, and I'm really learning for life - every single day.

Interestingly, it's rather a mental game than anything else.

Decision making from a leader's perspective becomes a completely new story.

You suddenly realize that every single step you do, can have a considerable impact on the whole business, hence you're own future.

Yet, isn't that type of power exactly what we strive for?

Here's to the great chances and challenges of being one's own boss.


Yes, you can.

My whole life I've never had any issues with motivating myself.

The will power to get something started and the ambition to cross the finish line have always been part of my DNA.

Now running my own business has even fueled that spirit.

Yet, there is a new type of pressure added to the game I had never experienced before.

It's the pressure to deliver, to perform, to not ruin my own existence I'm losing sleep over.

There we go: that new scope of responsibility has a clear potential impact on much more than a simple paycheck.

As an employee you don't have a safety net either, but you also don't have such a long way down in case you fall.

Instead entrepreneurs have their skin in the game.

Entrepreneurs always go all-in.


Can you feel the adrenalin?

To be honest, I've noticed myself extremely keyed-up lately.

I'm unable to properly relax at any time. Not even surfing calms me really down.

It's not only about the package of responsibility one's carrying on their shoulders, but also the sensation that, whenever you don't work you may lose a business opportunity.

You automatically feel guilty if you're not committed all the time.

I racked my brains to how I may properly deal with the situation, until I realized that the only thing I need is: to have faith.

It's a mental game, and if you get to believe you can do it, then you will.

We grow through challenging and rewarding tasks. The bigger the challenge the greater the progress.

So here's my advice for all those young entrepreneurs: grow some balls, have faith and don't ever doubt. The pressure won't vanish, but you can learn how to deal with it.

In order to prevent insecurity, you shouldn't only focus on the work, but also try to become a strong personality that's able to lead.

I'm pretty convinced that this type of adrenalin won't ever disappear, the only thing that will change is the way you look at it.

To me personally there is nothing more rewarding than being my own boss, working at my own rhythm and taking control over my own destiny. So I'm happy to pay the price for it and go try manage my new role.

I hope you found this inspiring. I wish you best of luck for your own journey!

Marley -

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: All my blog posts are created and submitted via eSteem Surfer - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

Original content. Quote found on:


im an entreprenuer for 13 years now and i have found that if you show up do the work stay frugal and reinvest back into yourself and live your life right you will be successful and the pressure you are feeling will lesson if i could give you one word of advise i learned or i was forced to learn when i started is save your money because its easy to make the money in good times but the entrepreneurs that dont live by this code get slaughtered in the bad times thats why they say your not a successful business until youve been around 5 to 7 years

Thanks for the advice, Daniel. Luckily the business is already generating some decent income, so saving money will be exactly my strategy :-)

Btw you have a quite interesting writing style if I may say that. A bit hard to read without any punctuation marks and upper cases.

Have a great day!

ive never used social media so this is a first. i am writing it as if i am talking sorry. writing never was my strong craft it was working, math, mentality, creating, art, free thinking. i always hated reading and writing because it bored me. my day is very busy juggling wife and 3 kids and being a general contractor, developer, architect, engineer, crypto investor and now someone who is writing about my life experiences the good bad and the ugly hope you can follow along and maybe learn something from my experiences or maybe can relate. hope you have a great day

Some great thought there Marley. I do hope you can switch off when you’re in the surf. Some of our greatest creative moment come when we can clear our mind of the ever present ToDo list.

Thank you, Stephen! Unfortunately, surfing is not even possible right now, since a heavy storm is passing over the islands. Gotta go out look for the wind shadow and practice some running there :-)

Wishing you a happy weekend!!

Oh well I hope the storm passes quickly without any damage and leaves a nice surfable swell for you after.

“The type of person you are is usually reflected in your business. To improve your business, first improve yourself.”
― Idowu Koyenikan

Very well said. I've heard that before - from one of my favorite business coaches called Sam Ovens. You may want to check this out:

Thanks will watch it!!

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I'd highly recommend forming a peer group of people in similar positions. It is amazing the ideas which get shared - you can learn short cuts, learn from other peoples mistakes and even from time to time form strategic partnerships. I know you are going to enjoy and thrive in the challenge ahead...….best wishes and thanks for sharing your thoughts....

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