A pig is any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the even-toed ungulate family Suidae. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), along with other species. Related creatures outside the genus include the peccary, the babirusa, and the warthog. Pigs, like all suids, are native to the Eurasian and African continents. Juvenile pigs are known as piglets. Pigs are highly social and intelligent animals

Marketing is one of the important segment in any business, before I started my pig farm, I had assurance from a re-sellers and does who prepare Sausages and they will come to your farm in trucks to buy, you cannot even meet their demand”
Pig production is a lucrative economic venture that can be practiced by low income livestock farmers at the farm level. The sow has short gestation period and farrows several young ones at a go.
When properly managed, pig production can improve the economic, social and health status of farmers and that is the results in Ghana, there is so much improvement in that regard.

Buying or selling pigs can be very good business and when farmers and buyers have a good business relationship there are some basic checks that must be conducted before their animals are sold or bought. farmers understand that if one ignores due diligence, it can lead to lock up of capital and eventual collapse of the farm which is why every farmer does more to make it worthwhile

Buying and selling pigs is a great way to make money for you and your family. Pigs are relatively easy to raise and grow in a short amount of time. Pork is a great source of protein and is leaner than skinless chicken breast. Raising pigs is a relatively easy process; however, there are a number of steps that need to be completed in order to ensure your pig raising business gets started right and your pigs stay healthy and happy in a blessed land of Ghana. If you skip steps or don’t do things properly, you may encounter sick and unhealthy animals. Sick animals will make the decision to raise pigs discouraging.
When deciding to raise pigs you should determine where you are going to sell the pigs when raised. There are three different markets for the raised pigs or hogs. First there are other farmers who will buy the pigs at any time. Second, there is the reseller who will buy quantities of pigs, sometimes this would include livestock auctions. If you choose to sell at auctions, you will have to consider how to transport the pigs.

there is the ultimate consumer who is purchasing the pork for their own use or for catering, this is the highest price paid. If you are selling pigs to the ultimate consumer, you may want to establish a process for butchering the pigs. As many individuals do not have the capability or knowledge of how to process the pork, you can completely butcher the pigs and sell the products. Selling pigs is a great way to make money but you need to know in advance how you are going to market them before buying the piglets for raising your own.

In order to get in the pig business, you should check sources for livestock for sale. Pigs can be acquired through auction or directly from other pig farmers. At livestock auctions, the price can be lower than at directly from the other farmers; however, sometimes the pigs may have sickness or problems with them.
Therefore, caution should be used in acquiring pigs from auctions. Pigs can be obtained directly from other pig farmers. By purchasing pigs from other farmers, you may get better information about the pigs and feel more comfortable about the person who regularly advertises farm animals for sale and we have a lot of farms in Ghana. The connection gained from purchasing pigs directly from another farmer can be very beneficial. You can look at the other farm buildings, fencing, feeding methods and water system to help determine how you may want to construct your own system for raising your livestock.

Another important point is which type of pig you are going to raise. Although pigs grow rapidly, some breeds grow faster than others. Each breed has certain qualities that may make it a better choice for your farming operation. Determining who your end customers will be is important as this establishes which type of pig you will want to raise. Also, determining which breeds of pigs are readily available to you will also help determine your breed choices.
If you decide to raise your own piglets, after establishing your original pigs, you may choose a less popular breed as you will be providing your own stock in the future. You may wish to start your business with mature stock and breed your own piglets or purchase young pigs to raise to butcher weight. Your business could consist of always purchasing newborn pigs for raising your own stock. The decision could change and evolve as you become more knowledgeable about pigs and how they are raised.

The next step in raising pigs is determining how many pigs you are going to raise, in order to determine the size of the structure and fencing required to raise your pigs. The shelter needed for the pigs should be large enough to hold the hogs when fully raised. There may be need for more than one structure, if you are going to raise your own piglets. If you are simply going to buy small pigs and sell them when they reach maturity, then you can raise them all in one enclosure. If you are going to breed your own pigs, then it is suggested to have separate enclosures for the boars, sows, and for the pigs you are raising for consumption. Once determining what types of structures and how many you are going to construct, you need to build the structure and enclose with some type of fence. The fence needs to be very sturdy and not relatively short. The pigs are strong; however, they do not need a high fence.

Pigs will eat almost anything; however, purchasing properly formulated pig feed is important to keep the pigs healthy and strong. Some of the best types of feed are corn, soy, wheat, barley and vegetables. Pigs have a unique ability to convert scraps into meat, which helps farmers spend less on feed. Certain pig farmers can obtain free scraps from manufacturing processes. Malt used by beer manufacturers is regularly given away to pig farmers.

This type of free food is very important in helping reduce the cost to raise your animals. Other types of food processers also have unused products or waste that may be obtained for little cost or even free. Pigs grow very rapidly and receiving enough quality food each day is very important to growth and development. If piglets do not receive enough quantity or enough high quality food, it will impair their growth and will lessen their value when they reach maturity. Good clean fresh water is also a vital part of the diet. Water should be fresh and clean for the pigs. Pigs have a habit for turning over or laying in their water sources to stay cool. The pigs can have water in their enclosure through a drip system if available. This system will ensure the water is always clean. A visit to other pig farms will help you see how others are providing for their animals.


Proper planning of the operation is the most important part of having healthy and happy pigs. The farming operation, whether it consists of only a few or a large number of pigs, relies on good planning and implementation of the plan. Please spend enough time in the building a good enclosure and structure and developing contacts in the pig farming business. Determine where you are going to purchase your breed of pigs. Establish a good provider for the source of any food you are providing to the pigs, including free scraps and nutrient enriched purchased products.

Ensuring a steady supply of clean drinking water for the animals is a key that is essential to any farming operation. If all the groundwork is successfully put in place, then upon purchase of your first animals, your pig raising business will have a great chance of success.



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