S.B. Fuller: The Forgotten History of a Legendary Black American Entrepreneur

Fuller was born to a family of Louisiana sharecroppers. The family were so mired in grinding poverty, he had to drop out of school to work in the sixth grade. Fuller did not shrink from his circumstances. Instead choosing to embrace the proverbs that say “adversity introduces a man to himself” and “fortune favors the bold.” He showed gumption and an entrepreneurial spirit. At the age of nine, he was already selling products door to door.

As an older but still young man, he relocated to Chicago where he worked several challenging and physically demanding jobs. Eventually working his way up to manage a coal yard. In the thick of the Great Depression, he worked as an insurance agent at the Commonwealth Burial Association, a black-owned firm. This position offered him comfort and security, but it was not enough for the young man. He hungered for more. Using a loan of twenty-five dollars he started his own business, an action that would be the beginning of a monumental climb.

Read the rest of his inspiring story—S.B. Fuller: The Forgotten History of a Legendary Black American Entrepreneur at Ammo.com.

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