I'm 18 years old. Here are 20 things that they aren't worth, from my perspective, at my age...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #entrepreneur3 years ago

1- The studies. Studying for the sake of studying is not worth it. If you want to study because your dream job requires it, go for it. But if you don't know what to do with your life, then quit school, and go travel. You will get to know yourself. And you can resume your studies at that time, knowing better what you want to do for a job.

2- The porn. I'm still a virgin, but from my point of view, sex should be a moment of sharing and communion. Not an animal scene. Porn, in addition to giving the wrong view on sex, also changes the structure of your brain. Not for the best, of course.

3- The handjob. Join the nofap movement. The goal? Stop stupidly ejaculating in a handkerchief. Or at least, ejaculate as little as possible. The goal ? Have more energy on a daily basis.

4- Follow the codes of the company. Society doesn't want your good. Society wants to create a nice little army of docile and obedient citizens. Society creates weak people. A word of advice: if you have the same life as everyone else, there is a problem. Stop following the herd.

5- Stay in your comfort zone. Look for comfort, you will find discomfort. Look for discomfort, you will find comfort. Start taking on challenges that push you out of your comfort zone. Cold shower. Sport. Fasting. Meditation. Talk to strangers. Speak in front of dozens of strangers. Travel alone. Etc.

6- Don't take risks. At 20, it's the best time to take risks. Because even if you wallow royally, you can always get up. Most importantly, you will always have your parents to lean on. So do what you really love, even if it's risky (after: it all depends on the risk, eh).

7- Waste your money. Save. Don't spend on new clothes if you don't need them. Stop wasting your money on cigarettes and booze. Don't try to be on top of technology. Be satisfied with little, live with little, and spend little.

8- Let your money sleep. 20 years is the best time to invest. With compound interest, you can make lots and lots of money. An example ? If you put $ 1,000 on the stock market, with a 10% return, and add $ 200 each month, after 30 years, you will have $ 430,000. And if you add 400 € per month (by living simply, it is doable, even by touching little), you get away with 842,000 $. So: start investing now (train well before).

9- The alcohol. Alcohol is no use, really. And if your friends reject you because you don't drink alcohol, then change your friends. Either way, even if you don't quit completely, try to cut down on your alcohol consumption.

10- Cigarette. Smoking to be cool is pitiful. Smoking is pitiful. You think you're a rebel smoking, do you feel like fucking the state that way? In reality, it's the state that buggers you, old man. You are his little whore if you smoke.

11- The television. I'm not saying stop watching movies or series. I say it's not really worth it. It's up to you to see what you want to do with your life. Make your dreams come true, or lay your ass on the sofa staring at a screen for hours?

12- Mobile phone. Dude, stop with the phone seriously. You just look like a zombie, really. When you are on your phone, with your friends, also on their phone, orbit. You will see how pitiful the scene is to see. So: spend as little time as possible on your phone.

13- Hang out with the wrong people. Young people are easily influenced. Don't surround yourself with the wrong people. Otherwise, you will regret it. You do not believe me ? think of it :)

14- Blame your parents. Your parents are doing their best. If you are who you are today, it's all thanks to your parents. The person you are going to become, it will only be due to your parents. Love your parents and thank them.

15- Social networks. Your twenties are the best years of our lives. We are beautiful, in great shape and we have life ahead of us (unless a bus crushes us brutally, but that's another story). So let's not waste our time and our energy scrolling through a news feed on an imaginary world, it's not worth it.

16- Eat dirty. Understand me well: I also love to eat fatty and sweet. But it shouldn't be more than 10% of your diet. Try to eat healthy, you will have more energy (and you will be more attractive to girls / boys).

17- Live where you were born. Explore the world. Travel. Take a year off. Don't stay in one place. Before settling somewhere, ask yourself if there isn't better somewhere else (without looking for the best place either, you might not find).

18- To be constantly surrounded. Learn to be alone. Loneliness is good, really. Think for yourself. Observe the people. Observe your thoughts. Think about your life, and your goals. Don't be surrounded all the time, but sometimes walk alone.

19- To be too serious. This top 20 of things that are not worth it doesn't have the effect of being judgmental. Of course you won't be able to apply everything. And above all: of course you have to enjoy your youth. We must take advantage of our youth. The thing ? It's to stop following the same tendencies as everyone else, to wanting the same life as everyone else.

Let's stop wasting our most precious years on what doesn't matter, and let's focus on the essentials. Have fun. And live fully.

20- Take life too seriously. You will potentially die soon. Life is just a big joke. Pions and points on the scale of the universe. If you orbit, you'll see how ridiculous and funny your thoughts and problems are. Don't take life too seriously, and on the contrary: live.

Once again, I repeat: the goal of this top 20 is not to be judgmental and make you feel guilty. The goal of this top 20 is for you to be happy.

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