Don’t Deprive Others....

in #entrepreneur7 years ago

Hey there Steemians!

I was listening to a webinar earlier this week, and something was said that really resonated with me. And someone else confirmed that statement in my life, which brought even more peace and clarity.

What was that statement?

”Don’t deprive other people of their healing because you don’t have it all perfect.”

If you are an entrepreneur, your business is to serve others. You have so many gifts and talents already within you...and you cannot wait until you have things perfect before you begin helping. Serving is NOT about perfection. Serving is about giving the best of who you are at this moment. 

You may think that you are a total mess.

You may look at yourself and believe that you can’t make a difference.

You may wonder how in the world you can help others who are struggling...when you are struggling yourself.

All of those things are okay. 

No one is perfect, and will never be. But we ARE enough just as we are, and that is enough for the people you are destined to bless.

Let me share something.

When I was on my weight loss journey, I wasn’t at my ideal weight. BUT I was sharing what I was doing along the way. I did not wait until I was at my ideal weight to help other people. I wanted to show that it is possible to have high blood pressure and lower it yourself through eating healthy foods and exercising. 

If I waited for the perfect conditions, then those who have been helped by my journey so far...MIGHT still be hurting today.

So please, PLEASE do not wait to serve your customers. You are depriving others of their chance for help. Share your experience and advice you have learned and watch things change for others (and for you, too).

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