How to use other people's Facebook Groups to grow an audience organically

Organic marketing on Facebook can be a huge opportunity for your business. Here's how to grow an audience using other people's groups.

No. 1. Pimp your personal Facebook profile into a profile funnel.

What's a profile funnel? Basically a way to engage with folks who might be stalking your social media profile, grab their attention, and steer them towards whatever you're trying to promote.
Let's say you want to promote a free lead magnet... It's an eBook called "Become a billionaire overnight".

Go to Canva and make yourself a badass cover photo and a badass regular photo that you'll use in your "featured photos" section on Facebook... The cover photo and feature photo should each do something to promote your free eBook.

"Tired of being broke and working hard? Get my free eBook and become a billionaire overnight lawls" or whatever copy you think will work to promote your product.

Facebook lets you have a few links posted on your profile. Go into the "edit page" portion of your Facebook profile and add a link to your free lead magnet as your "website".

Setup your new cover photo and featured photo (featured photo being the one that Facebook lets you put on the left hand side of your profile underneath all your info) in a way that promotes and drives traffic towards that link... I've found that using some arrows on your new graphics work well. Canva has plenty of options for colorful looking arrows.

Update your bio to talk about whatever it is you're trying to promote.

Get into the habit of posting at least 2-3x per day on your own personal profile... Posts related to your business/brand but also ones that just drive engagement and help flush out your character.

IMPORTANT: Technically, selling something from your personal profile is a violation of Facebook's ToS... However, if you are promoting something that is Free (lead magnet, Facebook group, etc.), you should not have any issues... That being said, make sure you aren't actively SELLING from your personal profile... If you have something to sell, do it inside of your own Facebook group or from a Facebook Page.

No. 2. Find Facebook groups where your ideal client/customer is hanging out.

Let's say that the ideal client for your hypothetical "Become a billionaire overnight" lead magnet is entrepreneurs earning between $50-100k from their businesses, aged 25-33, male, and into personal development. They like influencers like Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, Robert Kiyosaki, etc. etc.

Do some brainstorming and searching around on Facebook and build a list of AT LEAST 10 Facebook groups where this person is hanging out... Never explored Facebook groups before? They have them for just about everything under the sun.

I always recommend going after a handful of groups around the 10k member mark (or more) and also a few that are smaller (500-2000 people).

Put all these groups in a Google Sheet so you can keep track of them and get systematized.

No. 3. Start engaging in those groups every day.

Go into those Facebook groups and start providing valuable information... Start getting your name out there.

Make some short posts, long posts, and/or try and get interviewed by the group admin (if they're doing some sort of interview format)... Become a regular member of those communities.

DO NOT promote your lead magnet... Say nothing about what you're working on promoting.

No. 4. Add people who engage with your posts as friends.

Whenever someone engages with your posts in those groups, add them as a friend.

Send those folks some messages when they accept.

"Hey so-and-so, great to connect on here! Working on anything cool these days?"

Why do this? A few reasons...

Proves you aren't a spammer, builds a relationship, and helps your posts show up in their newsfeed more often (Facebook assumes you're BFFs IRL).

If they ask you what you do, talk about your business... If they seem REAL interested, tell them about "How to become a billionaire overnight" or whatever it is you're promoting.

Do this correctly and you'll start showing up more often in folk's newsfeeds... Once that starts happening, it's only a matter of time before they start profile-stalking you and end up in your profile funnel... If you've successfully created a lead magnet (or whatever you're promoting) and catered it to a specific ideal client/customer, it should work like a charm.

Let me know if you have questions!
-Excelsior 6

PS. Looking for some more tips? Check out this video from Excelsior 3 about how to GET MORE CLIENTS in the door!


Great thought

Hey thank you! Really appreciate it... What're you working on marketing these days?

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