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RE: Entitlement

in #entitlement7 years ago

I'm curious about the Social Security thing and how it fits in with either definition of entitlement. According to the Urban Institute in Washington "...a two-earner couple receiving an average wage — $44,600 per spouse in 2012 dollars — and turning 65 in 2010 would have paid $722,000 into Social Security and Medicare and can be expected to take out $966,000 in benefits. So, this couple will be paid about one-third more in benefits than they paid in taxes."

The rest of us through taxes, are paying into that while the pool that those retiring paid into continue to diminish. Would someone expecting that they are entitled SS because they paid into it also be using the other definition by assuming they paid for the /whole/ of it, when they in fact didn't? My generation is paying that extra 1/3 for a program that will be 100% bankrupt by the time I myself am 65. We spend more on SS than anything else and it's only diminishing in its returns. Is that a double entitlement?

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