in #entertainment6 years ago (edited)

A lovely evening to every beautiful Steemian reading this message right at this moment. Welcome to @zizymena's blog and yes it is 6pm and time for your favourite block chain program, "Saturday night with Zizy". As always we bring it hot and hope you learn one or two things from every episode. Last week outing was amazing. It was a pity i couldn't hold the online radio show on the discord server due to circumstances beyond my control. I want to use this medium to sincerely apologise to all those who were online waiting for me. I saw you all and It means so much to me to know you look forward to listening to Zizy every Saturday. Do not worry, this Saturday night, I will definitely make it up to you guys as there will be lots of freebies. You know how we do it....winks.

Alright, I want to say a special thank you to all those who took out their time to drop a comment or two on the show last week. Your comments were all read and appreciated. Soon enough I will have to start giving out gifts to the best fan of the show and best comment of the show. Fasten your seatbelts, it wil definitely be a fun but bumpy ride. Alright @eurogee, @mizdais, @blessedman939, @dubem-eu, @jeaniepearl, @rebeccafl, @preciousimo, @vheobong, @nathanonliner, @adore-eu, @sola3097, @Korea's, @rolexxy, @funkylove, @prettyjules158, @bayodesteem and @shemzy. Thank you all so much. I am looking forward to seeing you today as you make it hot.

Without much Ado, let's go straight to the business of the day.

DJ play the jenifa's voice...Lol


Nowadays, it is hard to find a young man or woman not in any form of relationship be it a casual dating or an exclusive relationship. Every relationship has it's problem with one of the foremost being finance. Relationship is more than just having a great chemistry and smooth communication. Recent studies have shown that people go into relationships seeking for some benefits. In other words, relationships are a sort of business contract. There is always a mutual benefit involved on both sides. It is a give and take situation. One partner is demanding and the other is providing. Most men go into a relationship for sexual benefits and most women for financial benefits. Although both parties do not come out explicitly to state what their motive is, any relationship that does not follow the demand and supply paternal soon looses it's flavor and both parties either closes shop partially, temporarily or permanently.

Does this mean love is not enough to sustain a relationship?


Love is a beautiful thing but love alone does not keep a relationship. Love fades over time. There comes a time when love is not enough and needs support from commitments and companionship. If love alone sustains a relationship then all relationships will end in marriage and all marriages will be successful.

Ladies of nowadays check out how financially independent a man is before seeing him as a potential partner. Take a census and ask how many ladies would marry for love. Yes, it is possible to see a good number saying they would because our society villifies women who consider a man's financial status as a criteria for marriage calling them materialistic but that doesn't change the fact that money is an important factor to be considered in a long term relationship.

During the good old days when marriages where contracted for strategic alliances, economic gain, familial ties and a host of other unromantic reasons, such marriages lasted longer than marriages today claimed to be contracted for love.

Money not love is the glue that keeps relationships today. You may say that is a shallow statement but it doesn't change the fact that it is a hard truth. Money problems will beach your love boats whether or not you fight about them, ignore them or lie to yourself and tell yourself that everything is fine or will work out. This a why women go for guys who are financially stable.

Men who are financially stable have a greater mental stability and manage relationships better with love and kindness. Money is not just money. Money is a tool. Money comes with power, control, freedom, security and solves problems. They say money do not buy happiness but it buys comfort. A friend once said she would rather cry inside a Jeep than inside a public cab. money may not buy happiness but neither does love guarantee happiness without money. Love doesn't conquer all. Love needs a roof over it's head. Love needs memories and love needs to put a smile on the lovers face. Money simply makes love sweeter.

Women love to be wined and dined and treated right. Even the feminist or independent ladies love to have someone treat them to a nice dinner once in a while. Dating an independent lady doesn't mean she has to always take herself out when she is bored because you can't afford to or if she insists you always come along then she has to perpetually foot the bill for both of you. She would also love to experience having you take charge sometimes. Every woman loves an ambitious man and a man who can take control of situations.

As a young man, you need to aspire to improve yourself and fulfil your potential. There may be ladies who will love you even when you are broke but deep down they are with you through the difficult times because they see an ambitious man with a promising future. Do not go about looking for unconditional love. It is only your mother that will truly love you unconditionally. That a woman wants a good life and comfort doesn't mean she is materialistic. It is her choice to choose who she wants to be with. How many guys nowadays will settle with a lady who has no job or no future ambition? They are quick to say she is liability. Do women call such men materialistic for seeking out a lady who has attained some level of independency?

Ladies, dating a man shouldn't be all about what he can provide. There are some men that may not have the money now but have a promising future, hence it is important we look out for one or more of the following attributes;


  1. Is he a good guy? Dating a guy who is rich but treats you like shit will have you soaking your pillows every night. A good guy may not have the money to spend on you all the time but he sure knows how to respect you and treat you right. He makes himself available when you need him. He listens to you and even cooks for you. He may not have a fat bank account but you come first to him.

  2. Does he set his priority right? Dating a spender who does not have his priorities set right or a hoarder who never sees any reason to spend won't exactly make you happy in a relationship. A man worthy of marriage is not all about having the money but his ability to spend wisely and pay his bills on time. He is broke not because he is lazy and frivolous but because he has responsibilities.

  3. Does he have potential? What talent has he got? What long and short term goals is he working towards? He may not have the money now but hardwork is evident and someday the sacrifices will surely pay off. A man with great vision with a supportive woman always achieve success. History has good examples fe us to learn from.

  4. Is he good on bed? Money can't grant you sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, poor guys are more skilled in sex than rich guys but sexual satisfaction is Paramount in marriage. You do not want to be seeking home services when he is away on a business trip.

  5. Do you love him? Yes money is important but money can't buy emotional connection. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. Follow your heart. True love is priceless.


Be personal. Don't email or text to ask a woman out for the first time. The latter are impersonal and dating is all about getting to know someone personally. It also sets a poor tone for the relationship communication dynamics.


Ladies which one would make you lose interest in a man faster?

  1. Can't perform in bed. 2. No money. 3. Cheating. 4. Body/mouth odour.




Good morning ma. I am so happy I came across your show last week. I have been burdened for a long time now and I have been looking for an avenue to pour out my heart. I'm sorry this is going to be very long. Please bear with me. I am 28 years old and a Muslim from Ogun State. I have a fiance or should I say an ex-fiance because I no longer understand what's happening. Eight months ago we were fine and he even proposed. I still remember that day like it was yesterday but then everything changed. He started acting strange and I got suspicious. I opened an investigation and discovered there is another woman. I confronted him and to my surprise he didn't even deny it. He told me he is in love with her and he has even proposed to her but she is yet to accept his proposal. He told me he still loves me but his heart tells him she is the right one for him. Ma, honestly I can't understand what is happening. Yes he told me all these but I felt he was joking. He can't just throw away a 5 years relationship just like that. Last two month was her birthday and he travelled all the way down to PH to attend it. When this happened I realised I was fighting a losing battle and so I had to stop visiting him as often just to forget about him but then last month I discovered I was pregnant. It came as a shock. It was the goobye sex I had with him. This changed everything. I told him I was pregnant and till date he hasn't said anything about it. He stopped answering My calls and won't reply my text messages. My father found out I was pregnant and chased me out of his house. I'm now at my mother's place at Asaba. I reached out to the lady and told her my situation. She replied that she doesn't love my man and has told him several to stop pestering her because he's not her type of man but he won't listen so she can't help me. Someone says I should go visit him without informing him that maybe when he sees me, his heart will be softened. I'm confused. Even my blog is suffering because I'm disoriented this period. I don't want to abort this baby and I don't want to be a single mum. Please help me post this and I'll be checking out the comment section. I may even come to the discord show. I'll send you screenshots of my chat with the other lady. Please don't forget to keep me Anonymous. Thank you.


Wow! What a trip all the way down here. We have finally come to the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed every part of it? If you have comments for every segment, do not worry Steemit doesnt penalize you for dropping more than 1 comment on a post. Why not express yourself and check out other peoples comment too? It's always fun interacting.

If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator @sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.
I hate to leave you but leave you I must. Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain

Yours truly


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Another amazing show!oops,came in late today!
Just like a married woman once told me;"marry a man that loves you and someone that you love,marriage is a journey.
Marry a man that has an income no matter how small,a goal getter,you can build together.
Money is necessary in marriage,or else disputes about finance start coming in".

Like it or not,a woman needs money to keep looking good,suffer head dey show for face."

Advice for Anonymous: Motherhood is not a walk in the park. You have to be emotionally,psychologically,mentally,
financially prepared to be one. If the man doesn't love you,it will affect your being in the long run.
Having a baby will be a constant reminder of a man who do not love you. It might even make it harder to move on from him.
Without family or consistent friends support,the burden might be too much on your shoulders alone. And most times,you are on your own once you have the baby.

And you know the societal stigma in the long run. Ask single mums what they go through.

Weigh your options and look at what is best for you. I notice that men do not hesitate to state what they want,no matter the pressure. Fight for your happiness and a child out of fatherly love will still suffer emotionally.
@zizymena, if she still wants to talk more about this,she can message me on discord for a private chat.

Oh wow @esttyb. I so enjoyed reading from you. You dealt with this topic righteously. Im so impressed, youve won yourself a little token from me. Thanks for taking your time to pour your heart out.

Awnn thanks. Thank you for this awesome show.

Romance without Finance is a Nusance

When I was a pro musician, I generally wanted to date but relied on women that loved me for my talent and beauty ;-) But I soon realized I did not want to be a poor man!

Hehehehe, i love the music. Romance without finance makes no sense. Lmao. I so love the lyrics. So you were once a pro musician? Ill love you to sing for me someday @surfyogi

Anonymous ... To be very honest, I think you have to pick one between abortion and being a single mom. The guy obviously does not want you and even if for some reason he agrees to be with you it's too obvious you're going to be enduring inhumane behaviour. You are a queen in your lane, do not allow one guy to treat you anyhow.

You want him, he does not want you, the person he wants does not want him
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Weyrey ni everybody...

Hehehehe.... your last statement got me laughing so hard. I can just picture them running after each other and away from each other. Thanks my love for making me laugh tonight.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

weyrey ni everybody


This edition is amazing... I think its of great importance to develop yourself to a certain extent before getting a partner romantically.

Even when a lady follows you for the potential ambition she sees, eventually if the potential is not materializing, there is high tendency of issues coming up as regards that.

Very apt. When the potential is not looking potentially possible, there are bound to be issues.

Hey hey @zizymena! Another awesome show. Quite busy yesterday that's why I didn't stop by yesterday.

Almost did not want to agree with this:

Money not love is the glue that keeps relationships today. You may say that is a shallow statement but it doesn't change the fact that it is a hard truth...

Until I saw this:

As a young man, you need to aspire to improve yourself and fulfil your potential. There may be ladies who will love you even when you are broke but deep down they are with you through the difficult times because they see an ambitious man with a promising future...

Lol... Hehehehehehehe

It is only your mother that will truly love you unconditionally.

Wife nko?

Nice topic Honey!

To the Anonymous,
I'm really sorry that your 5 years relationship is about to be thrown in to the bin, or should I say 'has been thrown'... It's not going to be easy to move on all by yourself coupled with a baby in the picture. Being a single mother, at first ain't gonna be easy but be the best and outstanding single mother too. The young man in question has make his choice dear. Don't go back or try to be in relationship out of pity because you will never enjoy the relationship or marriage at the end.
Be strong, utilize your time, mind and energy well. Be productive and don't make me him feel like you're worthless or got no value. Stop trying to communicate with him concerning the relationship issue.
Like I said earlier, it's gonna be easy, train and build your child rightly, try not too paint a bad picture of him to your child. He might cone around someday.

Be the best of you on this Journey.

@mizdais signing out...

Awwwwww..... you are so sweet. You will do great as a relationship counsellor @mizdais. Thank you so much for this beautiful piece of advice dear.

Tanchu😘😘😘 and you're welcome . If I become one someday, then know your show is responsible.

Nice one Zizy... You did just to the topic. About the lady, I don't think making a guy marry you outa pity is a good idea o. You just have to accept that it abi he isn't meant for you. Don't become a second choice so you don't regret later.

@annieben thanks for coming around pretty lady. Yeah you are right, one should never marry out of pity because it is a "til death do us part" affair

Yey it's Saturday night with Zizy once again. It's been a week filled with mixed emotions for me, but in all God is faithful.

Hmmm. Like they say, 'money makes the world go round'. Unlike the days of old you talked about, money is far more relevant now. The need to meet our daily needs as well as keep up with social trends a has increased the demand for money.

It is therefore important for a man to at least be able to cater for the essential needs of his partner. It's understandable that a lady may love you irrespective of the size of your bank account. But courtesy also demands that you reciprocate the love with certain material deeds.

Let's just say love stands on two legs, love is the First and money is the second.

Hmmm, reading this from a man i sure am impressed especially with the last paragraph. Thanks @korexe. I love your input.

You are really making waves with this project and you are keeping this community lively.
Keep the fire burning

Thank you so much @funkylove. I'm glad you love it.

My my! I learnt so much from today's episode.
You are doing a great job.

I advise she keep the baby, eventually, he'll come around, if he doesn't, your baby will give you so much joy you'll forget the pain of today. Be strenghtened.

Thank you so much @bokoons. I'm glad you learnt something from the relationship talk segment and as for the anonymous, thanks. I'm sure she is reading

what a good story, concerning the last story, let her keep the baby.

Thanks @botefarm for coming around today. Hope to have more of you.

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