Passwords are such an every day thing now that people forget how important it is. We easily take it for granted and consciously or  unconsciously we let other people (family, friends) know it and not really concerned with privacy and security.  Very few people care about password strength until they get hacked.  Unfortunately, this is the time when we finally understand password security and the importance of keeping it private from others. Here are some pointers that may help you improve your password game.  

        One is , when making passwords, understand that “length” is very important in password strength. So add data like 1-888 or .org or .com to the beginning or end of your selected password.           

        Another one is, is to use bizarre or outrageous words. For example,  my friend used “bigdong69.” It actually helps you in that it makes you think before you share it with anybody. You can also make it a confession or revelation that you wouldn’t want anyone to know. The technique works in that it makes you more conscious in being private and  protective of your password . Seems funny and weird, but hey, it works.           

         Another pointer is to not  exchange characters for symbols. For example, replacing “a” with @ or “o” with a zero. This is very common and therefore is easy to hack.          

         Hopefully this post will help you in understanding the importance of your passwords and maintaining its privacy. In today’s world, security will be in the forefront in protecting and securing our private accounts and information.         

         I welcome your comments and insights. Tell me what you think and maybe you have some pointers you would like to share with your fellow Steemians.  


Along with social networks, password security has also improved. As we write our own information about ourselves, the passwords become more important as these environments increase. I want to touch on some wrongs.

Passwords are usually easy and predictable passwords to keep in mind, such as the birth date or the end of phone numbers. In fact, when it gets complicated and special characters are added, there is a hard password to break into the business. Nowadays, the passwords are solved through the Brute Force software. These programs start from 4 houses and try all variations. Usually we start with numbers so there is only one password security which is unfortunately not enough to be tried. @steppingout23

So true. We live in a new world. Security and privacy will be in the forefront. Your right, heared about that Brute Force software. Not easy to keep ahead of these hackers. Appreciate your comment.

Let’s face it: If you have several online accounts, it is hard to remember different passwords for them all. Many people try to make it easy on themselves and use the same password for everything. @steppingout23

Which is pretty dangerous. But you are right, people do use the same passwords for many sites . They just get so comfortable and don't know how prone they are t being hacked. Public education is really needed as we move forward with this blockchain technology.

Definitely I agree with you @steppingout23

very good friend contribution many people also make the mistake of placing the same password in many accounts, I think that something fatal I think that for each bank account or whatever we should have different passwords.

My opinion, if you have multiple accounts, create the same password so
You are easy to remember

passwords take up a lot of space in our lives. we have everything important in our lives credit terms social sites

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