A-picture-a-day: Day 2

Aaaand it's time...for another picture.

This is actually a screenshot. Being a cam girl also, among other things, allows me to have a lot of fun with different settings and costumes, and it puts my creativity at work. A lot of people have a somehow wrong impression about caming and what it entitles...sometimes it's not about the nudity, it's about the entertainment.

Little Red Riding Hood and her basket full of surprises!

Hope you enjoy it!


Yep .. the visual effects, the costume, fog machine ... that whole creation will be one of tiffany's that people will remember and talk about looong time ...

You mean you didn't sleep though it. Must have been an off day for you.

hahaha lol thank you for this pic keep it up

You are welcome :D

You should give a prize for guessing what's in your in your basket.

Those are some really hot shoes!

Any specific brand? Or what's your favorite type of clothing? Dress shoes tops etc.?

Ahahaahahha ....trust me , you wont like it what's in the basket!

Poison? Balloons? Poison balloons?

Now I'm very curious and will be left curious forever. @fubar-bdhr maybe you can reveal the secret when @royaltiffany isn't watching haha. Write it now and then edit it into a smiley face and she will be none the wiser. (Although based on her vocabulary, she is already much wiser than many who write off cam girls as just pretty faces :) )

Why do people keep forgetting that THE BLOCKCHAIN REMEMBERS ? Lol

Shhh! you weren't supposed to see that! (I don't think it sees edits) ;) Maybe people aren't watching enough bitcoin uncensored podcasts :)

I would win and you don't want to know.

Ohhhh ohhhh I remember that day.....it was a good day. Little Red in da hood!!!

:D more like in the woods lol

Nah guuurrllll I saw yo basket esse u were about to go through the hood Vato !!!!

Shhh dont tell what was in the basket!!!

Oh is that gonna be a poll question in Twitter??....winner gets a date with u in Italy ....all expenses paid for by u lol???

Oh is that gonna be a poll question in Twitter??....winner gets a date with u in Italy ....all expenses paid for by u lol???

@bige37 when i 'll win to some lottery! Ahahhahaha

@royaltiffany so ur saying there's a chance!!! Lol

Aww man. I didn't get to see this. Looks really awesome though. Did you make the costume yourself?

No , i wish :D It was awesome...the fog the forest...the basket lol

If only to be a Wolf...

Oh believe me in this scenario I wouldn't wanna be that wolf lol

Do you see those wolf ears there ? That's a trophy there :D

Hahaha... Touché... Very funny!!... made me laugh :p

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