Project Blue Book

Key Points

  • The History Channel already has outstanding content

  • Their new television show Project Blue Book is debuting in October

  • Project Blue Book was an actual study conducted by the United States Airforce to study the UFO phenomenon

  • There have been many studies conducted by the American Government in relation to UFO's

I really enjoy watching the History as of late. They are producing quality content, and I am a real fan of the following television shows: Ancient Aliens, Hunting Hitler, Oak Island, Knightfall, and in my opinion the best show on television currently Vikings. As I was watching television the other night, on the History Channel I saw an advertisement for their new TV show "Project Blue Book". The star of the TV show who immediately grabbed my attention is Aiden Gillen best known for his work on the TV show "Game of Thrones" as Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish. Gillen will be portraying a real life astronomer Dr. Alex Hynek in Project Blue Book. The shows executive producer is Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future movie trilogy, Roger Rabbit and Forrest Gump).

You Tube Ad for Project Blue Book

What many of you may not be aware of is Project Blue Book was actually a classified project untaken by the American Government from 1952 through 1969, to study UFO's. Project Blue Book is the third study undertaken by The United States Government in regards to UFO's with projects Sign (1947) and project Grudge (1949). Project Sign's initial conclusion "estimate of the situation" revealed that "flying saucers were real craft, were not made by either the Soviet Union or United States, and were likely extraterrestrial in origin." (Wikipedia) However, when this conclusion reached the pentagon they had the report destroyed and engaged in Project Grudge to debunk the findings of Project Sign. Project Grudge's investigative work was sloppily done and the results indicated UFO sightings were nothing more than Misinterpretations and Mass-Hysteria. Project Grudge ended following the Fort Monmouth, New Jersey investigation where on September 10, 1951, several high speed unidentified objects traveling over 700 mph and moving so fast radar at that time could not lock onto the objects was investigated. Project Grudge did not take this incident seriously and did not bother to interview any of the witnesses involved.

Actual Project Blue Book Case File

Project Blue Book came next in 1952. Project Blue Book, had two purposes;

  1. To determine if UFO's are a threat to National Security and
  2. Scientifically analyze UFO data.

Project Blue Book would not have to wait long to start analyzing data as many sightings of UFO's were seen in July 1952 on consecutive weekends in the Washington, DC area. Although these sightings were eventually dismissed by the United States Air Force the official explanation for the mass number of sightings was a temperature distortion. However, the damage to National Security was already done as the massive amount of calls to the government in relation to the UFO's which were seen, effectively shut down all communications in Washington, DC at that the time.

After years of research into the UFO phenomenon, Project Blue Book submitted their findings to the Robertson Panel, a scientific committee commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Robertson Panel suggested these UFO's posed no threat to our national security, but that the perceived threat of UFO sightings could cripple communication networks with numerous people calling the government with reported sightings. "The Panel suggested the Air Force should begin a "debunking" effort to reduce "public gullibility" and demystify UFO reports. The panel suggested a public relations campaign, using psychiatrists, astronomers and assorted celebrities to significantly reduce public interest in UFO’s. It was also recommended that the mass media be used for the debunking, including influential media giants like Walt Disney Corporation. "

Further, the panel suggested the monitoring of UFO groups because of their subversive influences "The Panel took cognizance of the existence of such groups as the "Civilian Flying Saucer Investigators" (Los Angeles) and the "Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (Wisconsin). It was believed that such organizations should be watched because of their potentially great influence on mass thinking if widespread sightings should occur. The apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind." (Wikipedia)

If one is asked to believe that UFO's don't exist, then conversely the question should be asked "Why is our government spending so much time and energy on conducting studies on them?" As recently as 2018, it was announced the government had spent 22 million dollars on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The AATIP was started after Senators viewed the video of a fighter jet chasing a UFO shaped like a Tic Tac. Additionally, one must now take into account the fact president Trump has ordered the establishment of the sixth branch of our US military a Space Force.

"Very importantly, I'm hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces. ... We are going to have the Air Force, and we are going to have the Space Force, separate but equal." (President Donald J. Trump)


Author's note: This article is all my opinion and should not be relied upon for any scientific fact or expertise. It is all my opinion. The opinion of someone who enjoys learning, science and good science fiction. You can follow me on Twitter @TheMoonknight77 where I mainly follow NWBO, send prayers for cancer patients and post Steemit articles on topics which I enjoy. Yes I am NWBO Long and a share holder.


One thing is for sure, UFO's have been intriguing for ages!!

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