Who is Stronger? Darth Vader or Kylo Ren?

in #entertainment7 years ago (edited)

Wassup Steem Teem! Ok, so there is no way I can tackle this debate without triggering a few folks. That being said, I will only use facts when approaching this subject. Let's get right into it. Enjoy!

Character feats

Darth Vader

Let us first look at the G.O.A.T himself, Darth Vader. Although he has been down played a lot more than people realize, he is definitely op. lets look at some facts!

  • Vader can stop blasters with his palms!
  • In Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, after Han Solo was betrayed by Lando, Darth Vader confronted Han. Han shoots multiple laser blast at Vader, only to have them disintegrate in Vader's palms!
  • He can absorb blaster bolts
  • Yeah, this man can absorb energy guys.
  • He can cloak himself with the force
  • Not only can Vader stop blast bolts with his bare hands, he can even make himself invisible to others.
  • He can use force lighting
  • Vader has cybernetics so using this ability would be extremely detrimental. This is why we never see him use it. Many people think this is not true, but George Lucas himself says that The Force Unleashed is canon. This means that Vader can use the force lighting ability.
  • He can do all this while wearing a heavy metallic suit.
  • Darth Vader lost his limbs and was put into a large suit that hurts him constantly. It would take a lot of strength to be in this situation and still manage to nearly kill all the jedi.

Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren has gotten some hate from old school Star Wars fans for what seems like a lack of ability and tactic. Even so, he has done some awesome stuff. Lets look at some facts!

  • He stopped a blaster bolt with the force
  • In The Force Awakens when Po shoots Kylo Ren with a blast bolt, Kylo senses the blast and stops it in midair! This is pretty impressive and displays Kylo's great control of the force.
  • He has a high aptitude for learning force abilities
  • It hasn't been elaborated on, but It seems as if Kylo has taught himself some of the force abilities he uses. For example, Kylo can use the interogation ability to extract information from people's minds. This ability is incredibly difficult to use and at one point during The Clone Wars, required three jedi to use.
  • He was able to fight off both Fin and Rey after being injured severely
  • Even though Kylo was struck by Fin and defeated by Rey, we have to realize that he was severly injured and was pretty much bleeding to death.


Although I didn't mention all the abilities of Darth Vader, I've pretty much mentioned all of Kylo Ren's. Vader has many abilities, which include all of Kylo's. At this point the winner is obvious. Darth Vader is stronger than Kylo Ren in both physicality and the force.

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