The "L" Word...Sipping Tea Friday...Lets share Steemians!!

in #entertainment6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians!😁 It’s Cyn theUnconventional Life Coach here....and it is FRIDAY🎉....and it’s Sipping Tea topic discussion time!

This topic up for discussion came from my email...cause someone watches my videos and decided that when I said “Come up with a topic”...they thought what a great idea😉...and so they did!...but really they did because they had an experience this past week...😂...but either way I appreciate it😘

So she sent me an email..she didn’t want an Advice Vlog..doesn’t need any help..she’s got it under control😁she’s a Momma with a plan..but she just wanted to see what my personal experience was in this..and also see if anyone else would like to share in the comment section down below! She thought how cute it was to go through this and it had her reminiscing on her past...and it’s about the big “L” word❤️❤️.

So I’m going to read the email that she sent😁. So she was making dinner for her daughter one night, afterwards they got done eating, they went outside on their deck, and the daughter looked at the Mom and in kinda a little hushed tone said...Mom...get this...the other day he said the the “L” word😳! Being as she said it kinda low and secret like the Mom was she asked?..Lesbian??and her daughter broke out laughing and then stopped and looked at her Mom like she was freaking losing it😳!and replied NO WAY! Why? would he say that to me?😂and the Mom said back...I don’t know you said it like you were tattling like he said some kind of bad word..and then it all dawned on the woman as the last part of the words were coming out of her mouth...when her daughter said the “L” word she realized what her daughter meant..

And she said she had forgotten what a big deal that was at that age...the big I Love You❤️❤️! She instantly went back and pictured the whole nervous boy...afraid it wouldn’t be reciprocated..girl wondering when he was finally gonna say it...and the boy wondering why he had to go first😬!

So she asked..Do you remember the first time that someone said I Love You to you?

So click that video down below and enjoy my crazy experience!😉and if ya feel like sharing put your first experience down below❤️!

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