Annoying people at the Cinema

in #entertainment8 years ago

Is the Cinema a night out or a Total Endurance test.

Going to the movies used to be a pleasurable experience but then we didn't have mobile phones and people ate their meals before or after visiting,

Now it has got distinctly worse.

You get to your seats having struggled to find them for 15 minutes. You sit down and start watching the trailers and then you hear the noise. The noise of munching, slurping , munching again and you look beside you to see that the people beside you have come armed with enough popcorn to feed the entire Cinema.

What's worse is that the "Stop making those noises looks" that you are giving them have no effect at all and that their Munching seems to be getting louder as you are completely void in hearing anything else but them.

You try and compose yourself and think to yourself that hopefully they will have finished their evening meal shortly.

You decide to look around the cinema as the adverts are still running and then you see quite a few lights.

You are now looking at people viewing their mobile phones , checking emails or what appears to be someone taking photographs.

You start to get irritated . You have spent money to come into this place , and these morons who are so obsessed with their mobiles are now ruining your whole night.

The film starts and thank God the munching has now gone down or probably drowned out because of the film, but never the less you are feeling better .

But not for long as you now get the guy who is moving uncontrollably behind you and wants to push your chair all the time. Whats the matter with these people but whats worse he is not aware that he is doing it!

And now you get the talkers

These are the annoying people who havent seen their friends for such a long time they decide to go to the Movies and then start their discussions.


Why do people want to talk when they are in the Cinema. They have paid to watch a movie .

If they wanted a life discussion on their personal problems I,m sure that they would be better avenues to explore

So whats wrong with people...

God Knows..


So funny but sadly true.

My wife and I go every weekend. Glad you enjoyed it

I know exactly what you mean and why I rarely go to the movies plus its so ridiculously expensive. Also I feel like you can compare this to public transport upvoted.

Thanks simon. appreciate your comments

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