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RE: SJW,s are Now just Lost in Space and the Wider Universe ! Can you Feel their Force ??

in #entertainment6 years ago

These people are just so stupid @funbobby51, they still think that the people are still buying this BS and we are still in the dumb 90,s with them pulling the reigns ! We are not and they are just exposing themselves more and more and believe you me, they are going down, every last one of these killers of Humanity and Reason ! Trump is kicking ass, inviting Putin back into the G7, ending NAFTA once and for all ! He is a veriatable Globalist killer and yes they hate him more than ever cause they see the cracks in their dam widening !!!


God willing Trump is what he appears to be and is triumphant. He sure is pissing off and terrifying all the right people.

Yeah so you see it like me, exactly @funbobby51, as Q says Trust the Plan !! I seem to remember seeing somewhere that Trump wanted to return America back to itself by November this year, in time for Christmas ! I )

Hopefully in time for the elections in November. Hopefully by then we are actually locking up deep state Clinton cronies.

Ah ok so that is why he mentioned Novemebr then !! ok well that makes sense !1 Yeah for sure I really think this is what we are going to be seeing ! Just watch this happen as this whole thing is Globla, the E,U, the DNC, Pizzagate all connected ! When it starts the ball of wool will totally unravel and thousands will go to jail and we will have a return to reason and possible Peace once more in this world gone insane under rampant Internationlly connected criminality !

I keep hearing that but am still waiting to see any of it come to pass. No one would like to see it happen more than me. Hell, Trump even said he would sign pot legalization, he is righting historical wrongs left and right.

I understand and share too your feeling of frustration, but you see ?? Yes that Trump going to legalise the best psychological and physical medecine known to man for 1000, sof years ! A good thing, you see he is more Liberal than the Liberals !! lol But yes it is a sign of who he really is !! I think we will later understand the strategy that he is using, he is playing totally the opposition, the DNC/NWO, their media and the deep stat agents all around that he IS systematically exposing with clever and very calculated decisons and words ! He is a brilliant mind and I am seeing him arriving into Power as the Spark of us all that do want to see this totalitarian control freak world end !! Look at Austria, kicking out 70 immams and closing 7 mosques, Italy removing 500,000 illegal immigrants, British people finally standing up in their millions to say no to Tommy being imprisoned, Canada voting our the Libs in Onario and now even Sweden voting likely for an anti immigration party in Septemeber ! Good things happening all round now, Trump was the necessary catalyst to this ! America and the flame of Liberty for so long dreamed of by many in the world is the most imprtant place where we as the world see the good fight being fought !! Dont worry @funbobby51 , trust in Trump, his Plan , it is coming I am sure of it !!

We call it 3d chess.

Sure @funbobby51, exactly that, the very same chess board played on by the Rothchild Cabal to defeat the Good in this World for hundred if not thousands of years ! Trump has the mind and sense of Spiritual Conviction, to meet them on that board, to play there game of smiles, meetings and photo oppurtunities for the media ! He uses them all, lol he plays them into the ground, exposes their stupidity and their clear agenda ! They expose themselves through him, dont you see !! They are all going down bro, right upto that disgusting sociopathic narcisisst ObamaBushes, Tony Blair and most of all Juncker and Merkel, even the Queen of Bloody England, they are all on the board and have been playing, the wrong side of History my friend !! !!! !! lol popcorn ???

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