The nostalgic goggles : Demoltion Man

in #entertainment6 years ago (edited)


The best movie ever made?


But still a fun one to watch.

Wesley Snipes plays the bad guy while Stallone is the good guy.

They both get frozen because this is how prison works now. You get frozen for your sentence.

Years later society has changed. No more cursing, no more violence and 3 shells instead of toilet paper.

Cops are not used to physical violence anymore so when Simon Phoenix (Snipes) gets released they cant handle it anymore and you can guess which cop they unfreeze to chase him down.

I dont know why I like the movie so much to be honest. The one liners are stupid, the action like in any other movie and the story is nothing special either but I watched this movie a thousand times when I was younger and enjoyed it every time.

How they portrayed the future is hilarious and frightening at the same time.

I have to watch it again in the near future to see if it aged well.


Yeah i can remember demolition man, its a long time since i watched it. When this two duo actors star in a movie, you can expect it to be action packed

It sure was

Rat burgers! I need to watch that again.

I would try one :-)

You're drunk!

Me too , so I can see where you are coming from.
I'm more of a Rambo man.

You can barely go wrong with Rambo :-)

Diesen Streifen kenne ich zwar nicht. Aber ich gucke auch sehr gerne seichte Filme mit geringem Tiefgang, z.B. die Bond Reihe - und da am liebsten Connery & Moore.
Zum Abschalten ist das klasse. Melodramatische Filme mag ich dagegen nicht. Schon gar nicht ohne Happy End.

Ja da bin ich bei dir auch wenn ich oft Filme mit Tiefgang bevorzuge ist es doch manchmal schön sich etwas anzuschauen und dabei abzuschalten

didn't watched it looks like sunday is going to end on a great note thanks for sharing about it

give it a go

This is a classic. I think my father watches this movie every week, It's always on some channel

Dame...that is some dedication :-)

hahaha maybe I'm exaggerating a little

Oh der war zu seiner Zeit Mega gut!!!!!
Sehr gute wahl @flipstar
Muss ich mir auch nochmal ansehen...ob der noch Realitätsnah ist...;-) so wie „sie leben“...hehehe

wir kommen immer näher :-)

Wahre Worte mein bester...;-)

I agree. It isn't a "good" movie but I can't help liking it. I actually have it on DVD maybe I will pop it in and watch it later.

I am kind of jelous :-)

Haha don't be. I have an excessively large collection of psychical media and it is starting to become a storage problem lol.

Yeah i can remember demolition man, its a long time since i watched it. When this two duo actors star in a movie, you can expect it to be action packed

The film is very spectacular. In which both actors perform better.

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