The Voice The Clash

When you see a title of "The Voice", one immediately thinks of the entertainment industry's ,The Voice currently playing.

However, this article deals with another form of The Voice. From the book, 'Hostage to the Devil' by Malachi Martin, we are provided what The Voice is during a demonic exorcism.


The Voice is an inordinately disturbing and humanly distressing babel. The first few 
syllables seem to be those of some word pronounced slowly and thickly — somewhat like
a tape recording played at a subnormal speed. You are just straining to pick up the 
word and a layer of cold fear has already gripped you — you know this sound is alien.
But your concentration is shattered and frustrated by an immediate gamut of echoes, 
of tiny, prickly voices echoing each syllable, screaming it, whispering it, laughing 
it, sneering it, groaning it, following it. They all hit your ear, while the alien 
voice is going on unhurriedly to the next syllable, which you then try to catch, while 
guessing at the first one you lost. By then, the tiny, jabbing voices have caught up
with that second syllable; and the voice has proceeded to 
the third syllable; and so on. (Malachi, 1987)
The first and foremost thing that needs to occur is to silence this voice. The exorcist must get him or herself under control (not an easy feat), and confront the entity to demand silence, then demand its name.

Knowing the name brings power over the entity. While the will of the exorcist is used against the entity, the authority of Jesus Christ is used against it. However, the strength of the exorcist will also be a necessity.

f you have ever seen The Dead Files, many times Amy Allan will indicate to acquire a "strong and intimidating" exorcist to do the exorcism of the home or area. I initially wondered why, but according to Malachi Martin, it would be due to the will of the exorcist must also be very strong. Amy works with Steve DiSchiavi, who researches the locations. The show is rather interesting and in my opinion authentic.


You can follow Amy Allan on Facebook or Twitter.

You can follow Steve DiSchiavi on Facebook or Twitter.

Back to the Voice. While there is a need for the collision to occur between the will of the exorcist and demon, the authority is always under Christ. The reality is Jesus defeated these entities on the cross.

Once The Voice is stopped, "a tremendous pressure of an obscure kind affects the exorcist", per Malachi. This pressure is then felt as The Clash occurs.

The Clash

This clash is the personal mental contact interaction between the exorcist and entity. This hurts the exorcist, but a necessity to lock wills. Martin then explains this battle of the will is a necessity. The fight is then truly on, between the exorcist and demon. A battle of wills, that does not sound pleasant.

The issue between the two, the exorcist and the possessing spirit, is simple. Will the
totally antihuman invade and take over? Will it, noisome and merciless, seep over that
narrow rim where the exorcist would hold his ground alone, and engulf him? Or will it,
unwillingly, protestingly, under a duress greater than its single-track will, stop,
identify itself, cede, retire, disappear, and be volatilized back into an 
unknown pit of being where no man wants to go ever?
The battle itself appears to be painful for both exorcist and entity. However, once the name is identified, the exorcist acquires as much information as possible. The more information over the entity, the greater the authority grows over it.


Once the entity is defeated by will and authority, it is forced to remove itself from the host. The expulsion is then completed during the exorcism.


Malachi Martin. (1987). Hostage to the Devil. Retrieved from

Matt Cole is a husband, father, son, brother and avid researcher. When not working, he attempts to share knowledge/content through stories and articles.

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