Act Fast! enterapp Pre-Sale Closing Soon

in #enterappio26 days ago (edited)

I've experienced many chances in the crypto world. The enterapp pre-sale stood out to me, promising great things. It offers a unique start in a crypto banking world changing the game. This is why it's important to consider getting involved.

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Key Takeaways

  • The $ENTY token pre-sale is live, and it's ending in just 3 months.
  • You can buy $ENTY tokens for just $0.001 each during the pre-sale. This is much lower than the $0.05 price they'll have later, potentially offering a significant profit.
  • EntyLabs, the team behind enterapp, makes sure the sale is secure and smooth by partnering with Bountyportals. This means you can trust the process.
  • The project has set up measures like a vesting schedule and KYC checks. These steps are meant to protect investors, keep the market fair, and make sure everyone plays by the rules.
  • The enterapp ecosystem includes a mobile neobank, a crypto wallet, a DEX aggregator, and DeFi tools, all using the $ENTY token.

A Rare Opportunity: enterapp Token Pre-Sale

Are you into crypto? Then you'll be thrilled with the enterapp token ($ENTY) pre-sale. EntyLabs has crafted a special project changing the game in neobank apps, mobile crypto banking, and amazing WEB3 banking. This DeFi banking app brings secure, decentralized banking to your grasp, aiming to shake up traditional banking.

enterapp: Revolutionizing Crypto Banking

The heart of enterapp beats with its non-custodial multi-chain wallet and WEB3 neobank dApp. This setup lets users hold the reins over their digital assets, giving a solid, decentralized banking experience on their phones.

Non-Custodial Wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp

Enterapp lets you handle crypto effortlessly. It acts as your hub for buying, selling, swapping crypto and more. Features like a DEX Aggregator, Token Swap, Crypto Card, and Payment Apps join forces. This means everything from earning crypto rewards to saving and making payments gets easier, truly granting your wish of a bankless future.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp token ($ENTY) pre-sale is a chance to join the crypto banking shift early. Buying $ENTY at $0.001 could turn into 50 times more at the public sale's $0.05 price. This makes joining the pre-sale a wise choice for those eyeing the crypto banking world.

The enterapp platform by EntyLabs offers tools to handle digital assets easily. Buying $ENTY opens doors to benefits like crypto bonuses, safe online payments, and new global banking methods. It's all about making the finance world more available through a unique mobile banking app.

With $ENTY, users get into various crypto services and connect with DeFi. The team behind enterapp brings expertise in finance, tech, and decentralized finance. They strive to bring banking services to more people with their app.

At $0.001 in the pre-sale, and $0.05 at the public sale, investors get a shot at huge profits. The pre-sale offers 820 million $ENTY tokens, while the public sale only has 100 million. This highlights the value of early investment.

The enterapp roadmap includes big steps like pre-sale completion, major exchange listings, and wider acceptance. It aims to make using crypto for daily spending easy through Visa and Mastercard. This makes the $ENTY token more useful in the real world.

KYC checks, rules against big investors, and fair token sharing make the enterapp platform safer and clearer. $ENTY stands out for its many practical uses, from payments to DeFi. This all strengthens its importance and handiness.

The enterapp pre-sale is a chance for huge returns, with a limited number of tokens. It's a great moment to get involved in the crypto evolution. Joining now opens doors to the enterapp ecosystem's advantages.

The Power of Pre-Sale Pricing

The $ENTY token's pre-sale is a great chance for crypto fans. At just $0.001 per unit, it's a big discount from the $0.05 public sale price. With a 50X profit potential, it's a good deal for those wanting to grow with the enterapp project.

Pre-Sale Price: $0.001 per $ENTY Token

The $ENTY token pre-sale offers a special opportunity. You can buy the token for only $0.001 each. This low price lets smart investors get ready for big returns in the future.

Public Sale Price: $0.05 (50X Potential Upside)

The $ENTY token's public sale price is much higher, at $0.05 each. Buying in the pre-sale at a tenth of this price means a 50X increase in investment value. It's a great chance for those looking to benefit from the enterapp project's growth.

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The pre-sale pricing of the $ENTY token benefits early investors. It lets them get in on the enterapp project for much less than the public sale. This move supports enterapp's goal of changing crypto banking and rewarding its first backers.

Why Invest in the $ENTY Token Pre-Sale?

Investing early in the $ENTY token pre-sale offers a special chance. You get early access to the crypto banking revolution by the enterapp platform. In the pre-sale, you'll be one of the first to use the enterapp ecosystem's cool stuff. This includes a wallet where you don’t hand over your assets, a DEX aggregator, and crypto debit cards. These tools will help you handle digital money easily. This puts you in charge of your money future.

Early Access to Crypto Banking Revolution

By taking part in the $ENTY token pre-sale, you secure your spot in the up-and-coming crypto banking scene. You'll get in early on the enterapp platform. It offers neat features like easy ways to change your money into crypto, DeFi features, and connecting to decentralized exchanges. This early chance gives you a head start in the crypto banking world.

Significant Potential for Token Price Appreciation

The $ENTY token pre-sale is a great chance for big profits. Each token costs just $0.001 in the pre-sale, but it could sell for $0.05 later on. This means you could make 50 times your money. The big profit chance highlights the huge expected growth for the $ENTY token, as the enterapp ecosystem grows.

Real-World Utility for Payments and DeFi

The $ENTY token makes real-life things easier with the enterapp ecosystem. It helps with making payments in crypto and booking travel. It also supports many DeFi activities. The $ENTY token will be important for your daily money moves. Its real value comes from how well the enterapp platform does. This boosts its chances to grow a lot over time.

Buying in the $ENTY token pre-sale gets you early into the crypto banking world. It also means you could see big gains later on. If the project does well, your early investment could really pay off. This could make a big difference for your finances in the future.

Tokenomics and Distribution

The $ENTY token is key in the EntyLabs ecosystem on the enterapp platform. It aims to make crypto banking easy. There are 10,000,000,000 (10B) $ENTY tokens. 820,000,000 $ENTY tokens were set aside for the pre-sale. This lets early investors join the revolution at $0.001 per token.

The public sale, however, has only 100,000,000 $ENTY tokens. Their price is $0.05 each. This means pre-sale investors might see a 50X profit when the token's price rises for the public sale.

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The $ENTY token's model assures fairness and sustainability in the enterapp ecosystem. The pre-sale offers a big chunk of tokens at a discount. This rewards the first backers and gives them a chance for their investment to grow by 50 times.

Secure and Transparent Investment

The enterapp pre-sale focuses on making sure investors feel secure and understand the process. The team does many things to guarantee a safe and truthful investment for everyone involved.

KYC Verification for Investors

To follow the law and stop fraud, each investor must pass a careful Know Your Customer (KYC) check. This important step checks who investors are. It makes the investment more secure for everyone.

Whale Protection

Big investors can't take over the token supply, thanks to whale protection rules. These rules keep the token sharing fair for everyone wanting to join the pre-sale. By doing so, they support a wider group of investors getting a chance.

No Team Tokens

The enterapp team shows commitment by not keeping any $ENTY tokens for themselves. This bold choice highlights their goal of being open with investors. It also ties the team's success closely to $ENTY token holders.

enterapp's Innovative Features

At the center of the enterapp system is a focus on simple and direct transactions. It cuts out the middlemen, making users the masters of their online money. This approach puts safety and clarity first, in line with the idea of decentralization.

Seamless and Trustless Transactions

Enterapp lets you move your digital funds without any third-parties involved. You're in full control, enjoying a secure and open financial world.

Vesting Schedule Mechanism

Enterapp's model has a unique way of spreading the $ENTY tokens. It uses a well-planned schedule to make sure things are fair and last long. This strategy supports careful investing and the community's growth.

Real-World Utility of $ENTY Token

The $ENTY token is key in the enterapp system. It is the main currency. It’s used for many real-life things, changing how we handle money and crypto.


$ENTY lets users spend their crypto on day-to-day items. This partnership with Visa and Mastercard makes payments easy. People can mix crypto with regular money smoothly.


People on the move can use $ENTY to pay for flights, stays, and more. This makes managing money easier away from home. They don't have to rely on traditional banks.


$ENTY also opens doors to DeFi in the enterapp network. It offers things like yield farming and lending. This increases what the token can do.

Using $ENTY in everyday finances bridges old finance and the new crypto world. So, it sees wide use thanks to its many uses. It helps crypto and the enterapp grow strong.

enterapp Pre-Sale Details

The $ENTY tokens will be tradable on DEX Listings after the pre-sale and public sale. This step will increase the availability of $ENTY tokens. It will be easier for crypto fans to trade them. The enterapp team is working hard to add the $ENTY token to more DEX Token Launches. Being listed on these DEXs will make the $ENTY token more popular and increase its speed of trading.

The enterapp pre-sale is a chance for early investors to get in on a promising cyber banking project. Joining the pre-sale allows you to set yourself up for success. You could see great benefits as the $ENTY token grows and becomes more valuable.

Marketing Partners and Community

The enterapp pre-sale and ecosystem are now partners with Bountyportals, a big name in marketing for crypto projects. This partnership shows the enterapp team's focus on building a strong brand and community for their new service. With Bountyportal’s help, more people will get to know about the enterapp pre-sale's $ENTY token.

Bountyportals: Official Marketing Partner

Bountyportals is now the enterapp project’s official marketing partner. This means the enterapp project will reach more people, inviting new investors and users. Bountyportal’s skills in crypto marketing will help make the $ENTY token pre-sale and enterapp ecosystem known.

Growing Community on Social Media

The enterapp team is putting a lot of effort into creating a lively community. They're using social media to get people interested in the new service. This community will be important for the success and growth of the $ENTY token and the enterapp platform.


Technology is moving fast, and we need better ways to manage our money. enterapp is leading the change in crypto banking. It uses new technology and DeFi rules. With its easy and safe transactions, plus a smart vesting schedule, enterapp is changing how we look at our finances.

On the enterapp platform, there are many great tools for handling money. You can have a safe wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This lets users easily control their digital money. With enterapp, you can do things like buy, sell, change, and spend cryptocurrencies. Plus, you can use Visa and Mastercard with your crypto money.

There's a special chance for early investors to get in on the action with the enterapp token ($ENTY) pre-sale. Each token is just $0.001 now, but it will be $0.05 later. That could mean a big 50X return for investors. Joining the pre-sale helps the enterapp platform grow. It also lets investors play a big part in the DeFi story.


What is the enterapp project and the $ENTY token?

EntyLabs' enterapp project is changing how we see crypto banking. It brings us a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. The $ENTY token is key in making crypto banking easy and open to all.

What are the key features of the enterapp platform?

The enterapp platform gives you a crypto banking experience with no middlemen. It includes tools like a non-custodial wallet and a DEX aggregator. Plus, it lets you use crypto debit cards and even eases the process of changing crypto to cash.

It puts you in control of your money through a decentralized system.

What is the price of the $ENTY token during the pre-sale and public sale?

In the pre-sale, each $ENTY token costs $0.001. Later, in the public sale, the price will jump to $0.05. Early backers could make a hefty 50x return if they invest early.

Why should I invest in the $ENTY token pre-sale?

Getting in on the $ENTY pre-sale has big advantages. You'll be at the forefront of the crypto banking change. Plus, early buyers are likely to see their investment grow in value. The token will have real use for payments and DeFi within the enterapp platform.

What is the total token supply and distribution of $ENTY?

There will be 10,000,000,000 (10B) $ENTY tokens available. The pre-sale will have 820,000,000 $ENTY tokens. Then, the public sale will offer 100,000,000 $ENTY tokens.

How does the enterapp pre-sale ensure a secure and transparent investment?

The enterapp pre-sale made sure to be both safe and open for investors. They use KYC checks to verify who's buying in. They also protect against large buyers overwhelming the sale. And, there’s a plan in place for how tokens are released over time.

What are the real-world use cases for the $ENTY token?

The $ENTY token can be used for real things in the enterapp world. This includes paying for stuff, traveling, and working with DeFi like lending and farming.

What's the plan for the $ENTY token after the pre-sale and public sale?

Once the pre-sale and sale are over, $ENTY tokens will start being traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This will make them more available to everyone. The enterapp team also wants to have $ENTY listed on even more DEXs to increase its uses and value.

Who is the official marketing partner for the enterapp pre-sale?

Bountyportals is the key marketing partner for the enterapp project. They're well-known in the crypto world. Their support will make the enterapp pre-sale and $ENTY token more known and attractive to a bigger group of investors and crypto fans.

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Official Links

We invite you to embark on this adventure with us.🎉


Website: https://.io/





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