The enterapp Pre-Sale: A Game-Changer for Crypto Enthusiasts

in #enterapp2 months ago (edited)

As someone who's deep into crypto, I've always seen the value in early opportunities. That's why I was so keen on the enterapp pre-sale. It comes from the EntyLabs group and looks set to make big waves. I truly believe it's worth looking into, especially if you're considering investing in the future with the $ENTY token ICO.

Remember Warren Buffett's wise words: "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." This advice fits well in crypto, notably in the case of enterapp pre-sale. enterapp is introducing a whole new approach with its crypto banking tools. With their wallet and DApp, you can do a lot – buy, sell, swap, or shop. Plus, they've made a big step by partnering with Visa and Mastercard for convenient mobile DeFi.

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The key advantage of the enterapp pre-sale is the chance to join at an early stage and potentially make sizeable gains. The $ENTY token's pre-sale cost is set at just $0.001. Yet, it's expected to go up to $0.05 at the public sale – an almost 50x profit for those who join early. Also, the pre-sale is designed to be both smooth and secure. It has no team tokens, provides a vesting plan, and includes whale protection. All this is to guarantee everyone a fair and safe chance to invest.

Moreover, with a partnership with Bountyportals, you know the project is serious about getting good exposure. They're using this well-known marketing agency to shine a light on the $ENTY token pre-sale and enterapp in general. Plus, having everyone go through KYC ensures the investment process is reliable and open.

Key Takeaways

  • The enterapp pre-sale offers an opportunity to invest in a game-changing crypto banking platform with the $ENTY token.

  • The pre-sale price of $0.001 per $ENTY token presents a potential 50x profit when the public sale price reaches $0.05.

  • The project has implemented safeguards such as a vesting schedule, whale protection, and mandatory KYC verification to ensure a secure and transparent investment experience.

  • enterapp has integrated with Visa and Mastercard, making mobile DeFi and crypto payments easier than ever before.

  • The project's partnership with Bountyportals, a renowned marketing agency, suggests a strong focus on community building and growth.

What is enterapp?

enterapp, from EntyLabs, is making a new mark in crypto banking. It uses a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This brings a different kind of mobile banking, using Web3 and blockchain. With a non-custodial multi-chain wallet and more, it gives a new way to bank with crypto.

*enterapp by EntyLabs: Revolutionizing Crypto Banking"

EntyLabs' enterapp changes how we do crypto banking. It mixes a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This gives users an easy, decentralized mobile banking. Users can handle their digital money without any trouble.

Non-custodial Wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp

The enterapp system is built around a non-custodial multi-chain wallet. This means users have full say over their crypto. Combined with the WEB3 Neobank DApp, it makes banking with crypto simple. Users can keep their digital money safe and do transactions easily.

Buy, Sell, Swap, and Use Crypto for Everyday Purchases

enterapp lets users do all kinds of crypto transactions easily. They can buy, sell, swap, and even make everyday buys with their crypto. Thanks to the partnership with Visa and Mastercard, turning crypto into cash is smooth. It gives enterapp users a hassle-free way to manage their money.

Visa & Mastercard Integrations

One special thing about enterapp is how it links with Visa and Mastercard. This link makes using crypto for daily buys possible. It connects the digital money world with everyday spending. This connection makes using crypto in enterapp easy and wide-reaching.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp token pre-sale is your way into the early world of mobile crypto banking. Now's your chance to purchase $ENTY tokens. This opportunity lasts for 3 more months. Getting in early means you might pay less now but get more value later.

In the pre-sale, you can snag $ENTY tokens for just $0.001 each. This is a big cut from the $0.05 price they'll be during the public sale. Those who dive in now could see their investment grow by 50 times.

This early investment window is a golden opportunity. As the enterapp community grows, so might the value of your $ENTY tokens. Selling them at $0.05 in the future could mean a 50-fold return for early birds.

The enterapp platform plans to transform how we do decentralized finance. It will offer non-custodial wallets, crypto-to-fiat options, and link up with Visa and Mastercard. Within this system, the $ENTY token will be the key, offering real tools for using DeFi services and sharing in the app's development.

The $ENTY token is built on solid principles of security and fairness. No one in the team gets special token rights. Plus, every investor must pass a KYC check. The folks behind enterapp are a well-oiled team with a mission to shake up crypto banking using DeFi.

50X Potential Profit: Pre-sale Price is $0.001

By joining the $ENTY pre-sale, you're early to the enterapp platform. You get $ENTY tokens at $0.001 each. This is a major chance to possibly win big as the project moves forward. The token's value is expected to jump a lot. With a public sale price of $0.05, early supporters might see a 50X return on their initial investment by buying tokens early.

Public Sale Price is $0.05

The enterapp token pre-sale lets investors buy $ENTY tokens at $0.001, much lower than $0.05. It's a rare chance for those who know the enterapp's promise and the $ENTY token's value. By investing now, you prepare to gain from the project's success and the token's value increase, maybe even earn a 50X return on your money.

Secure and Transparent Investment

The enterapp token pre-sale is a safe and clear way to invest. Bountyportals is the trusted partner for this first seamless & trustless sale! They have measures to protect investors. Also, each investor must do a secure and clear through KYC verification by investors!

KYC Verification for Investors

For the enterapp pre-sale, every investor must do a Know Your Customer (KYC) check. This shows the project values Fifth Secure and clear through KYC verification by investors! honesty and transparency. It gives investors confidence that their money is safe and legal.

Whale Protection

The enterapp project has safeguards against big investors affecting the market. There are Furth Whale protected! limits on how many tokens one person can get. This rule makes sure the $ENTY tokens are spread fairly, creating a balance in the market.

No Team Tokens

The enterapp project made a fair decision not to reserve any Second No Team Token! tokens for its team. This choice helps spread the tokens evenly. It gives all investors an equal chance to join in the project's success.

Real-World Utility of $ENTY Token

The $ENTY token is key within the enterapp ecosystem, changing how we use digital assets. It is at the heart of enterapp's user-friendly crypto banking. Here, the $ENTY token is really important for users on this new digital journey.


The $ENTY token makes payments easy within enterapp. Users can do transactions with it, like buying, selling, or exchanging cryptos. The token works with Visa and Mastercard, making it possible to use your crypto for daily buys.


In travel, the $ENTY token is also very handy. It lets travelers pay for stays, flights, and more with ease. This provides a safe way to handle digital money when traveling.


It's a big part of decentralized finance (DeFi) in enterapp too. It helps users join DeFi projects and use several financial services. This gives them more options in the decentralized finance world.

Setting up the $ENTY token for payments, travel, and DeFi in enterapp changes how we deal with digital money. It brings decentralized finance closer to everyday life, making it more accessible and useful.

enterapp Pre-Sale Details

We're gearing up for the enterapp pre-sale. This event offers a big chance to invest. The enterapp team has made sure it's fair and clear for all. It allows early supporters to join and grow with the project.

Token Supply: 10,000,000,000 (10B)

There will be 10 billion $ENTY tokens. This big number shows how grand and bold the enterapp project is. It aims to spread the tokens widely in its fast-growing ecosystem.

Pre-sale Tokens: 820,000,000

During the pre-sale, there will be 820 million $ENTY tokens available. It's a big chance for early investors. They can get a lot at the low pre-sale price of $0.001 each.

Public Sale Tokens: 100,000,000

After the pre-sale, 100 million $ENTY tokens will be up for grabs in the public sale. But they'll cost more at $0.05 per token. Even then, participants might see their investment grow 50 times.

DEX Token Launch

$ENTY tokens will first be available on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This move makes swapping coins easy and adds to the token's trading power in DeFi.

DEX Listings

The enterapp team aims to get $ENTY listed on many DEXs. This way, more people can buy and sell the token. It ensures active trading and growth for investors.

By knowing these facts, you can wisely choose to join the enterapp pre-sale. This might lead to good growth within the enterapp ecosystem.

Marketing Partners and Community

enterapp is teaming up for its pre-sale with Bountyportals, a cutting-edge marketing partner. Known for aiding crypto projects in growth, Bountyportals' collaboration highlights enterapp's commitment to a strong brand. This will help boost its visibility, reach more people, and draw in investors and crypto fans.

Bountyportals: Official Marketing Partner

Bountyportals, the official marketing affiliate of the enterapp venture, excels in promoting crypto efforts. This joining forces allows enterapp to tap into Bountyportals' vast network. It aims to increase its audience, making more people aware of the pre-sale and the enterapp ecosystem.

Growing Community on Social Media

enterapp is also putting effort into its online community. By sharing lively content, sparking discussions, and focusing on common goals, enterapp is winning over a growing group of crypto enthusiasts. They are keen on exploring the possibilities of DeFi and the enterapp platform.

enterapp: Features and Benefits

The enterapp platform brings a smooth and secure crypto banking experience. It shines with new features for an easy use. One special part is the

Vesting Schedule Mechanism

. It makes sure tokens are released gradually. This avoids quick sales and encourages lasting support from investors.

Another crucial feature is the

Whale Protection

. It stops one big investor from having too much power. This helps keep things fair and open for everyone.

The team at enterapp works hard to keep investors safe. For this, they use a strict

KYC Verification

process. This check means a safe and clear place for investment, giving comfort to all in the enterapp family.

How to Buy $ENTY Tokens

Buying $ENTY tokens is easy. First, go to the website. Next, connect your MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or another compatible wallet.

Then, you’re ready to buy $ENTY at the pre-sale price of $0.001 each. This price is much lower than the public sale's $0.05. You could see a big return on your investment.

The pre-sale is safe and open. Everyone needs to complete a KYC check. This keeps the sale fair and prevents market tricks.

Buying in the pre-sale means you’re early to the enterapp game. This project aims to make buying and selling online smoother and fairer. It even works with Visa and Mastercard, which is very promising for the future.


The enterapp token pre-sale is a big chance for people loving crypto. With the $ENTY token, you might get 50 times what you put in. This happens because you get them at $0.001 in the pre-sale instead of $0.05 later.

This first pre-sale has 820,000,000 $ENTY tokens out of 10 billion. That shows how special and valuable this is. It's a real chance to own a piece of the future.

The $ENTY token is key to enterapp's plan to change banking with new tech and ideas. It's aimed at making using digital money and DeFi simple on the enterapp platform. This project is all about keeping users safe, being open, and looking out for the small investors.

Getting into this pre-sale means being at the start of a big change in how we bank with crypto. You could see the enterapp system and $ENTY token grow. The company is doing a lot to get its idea known, like working with big names in the industry. This effort will bring more people to the enterapp project.


What is enterapp?

enterapp is a groundbreaking crypto banking platform by EntyLabs. It includes a non-custodial wallet and a WEB3 Neobank DApp. This lets users handle crypto for both regular and online buys. Also, it works with Visa and Mastercard.

What are the key features of the enterapp platform?

The platform features a non-custodial wallet, a DEX aggregator, and crypto debit cards. Users experience a mobile banking system that is both decentralized and easy to use. It's all powered by Web3 and blockchain technology.

What is the enterapp token ($ENTY) and its pre-sale?

The enterapp token ($ENTY) is the platform's native crypto. The $ENTY pre-sale lets early investors buy $ENTY at $0.001 each. This is much cheaper than the $0.05 they'll cost later, marking a potential 50x profit The sale happens before the public one.

What are the benefits of investing in the $ENTY token pre-sale?

Investing early in the $ENTY pre-sale means you could get in on the platform's growth. The cheap initial price of $0.001 per token means a big win if the value goes up. This is compared to the higher $0.05 price during the public sale.

How is the $ENTY token pre-sale secured and transparent?

To make sure the $ENTY pre-sale is safe and honest, there are checks in place. Everyone investing must pass a KYC (Know Your Customer) check. Plus, the project uses a vesting schedule and doesn't give any tokens to team members to avoid market manipulation.

What are the real-world utilities of the $ENTY token?

The $ENTY token comes in handy within the enterapp ecosystem for various things like paying, traveling, and using DeFi apps. It’s a key part of changing how we bank with crypto and easier digital asset management for everyone.

What is the total supply of $ENTY tokens, and how many are allocated for the pre-sale and public sale?

There are 10,000,000,000 $ENTY tokens in total. For the pre-sale, 820,000,000 tokens are set aside. For the public sale, there are 100,000,000 tokens. After the sales, the tokens will be available on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) too.

Who are the marketing partners for the enterapp project?

The enterapp project teams up with Bountyportals for marketing. Known in the crypto world, this partnership works to spread the word and grow the enterapp community.

What are the additional features and safeguards of the enterapp platform?

The platform has extra features and safety nets like a vesting schedule, whale protection, and secure KYC for investors. These steps aim for a fair, clear, and safe investing experience for all.

How can I purchase $ENTY tokens during the pre-sale?

Buying $ENTY tokens in the pre-sale is easy. Just go to and follow the steps. The pre-sale is on for the next 3 months, giving you time to join this crypto banking revolution at a special price.

Official Links

We invite you to embark on this adventure with us.🎉


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Username: bilikbambu

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