How can we fight back against being ripped of by governments and co-orperations?

in #enough6 years ago

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Information. Collective effort. Education

First off, I believe information is very important. Most people don't know how easily it is for governments and corporations to rip us off (and how often they do). I used to think people didn't care until I realised they didn't even know anything was going on. They accepted new tariffs blindly and thought the ruling elite was always out for their best interests

Next, we need collective effort. Individuals are powerless against the government (at least in my country). Arrests of activists aren't uncommon (one happened earlier this week). When individuals try to fight the government/corporartions on their own, they can be handpicked and dealt with easily. However, when it's a mass protest, the government is always sure to listen (or at least pretend to until it all dies down)

Lastly, people need to be educated on their rights and on what is right. Knowing their rights will show them how to react and when. Knowing what is right would help focus the fight on matters that are of importance regardless of whether it affects them or not

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