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RE: There are only 2 ways to have enough, but....

in #enough7 years ago (edited)

Naturally humans are insatiable and so, enough is just an imagination. Sometimes it beat my imaginations to even imagine how rigged the world financial and political systems are, even if humans tend not to get enough, morality, sanity and modesty should be a guiding light to those few that want to make a change.

The human moral decadence is alarming, greed, huge decay in standard and nobody really cares, everybody want those good cars, sexy girls, beautiful mansions, that flash life, influence and affluence.

The world needs some waking it, i can't change the world totally but i will give my very best and whatever i fail to do my children and generations after will do it.

It's 6:50am over here in Nigeria, thanks for inspiring my morning @aggroed


I think the system created around us defines our actions so much. Our current system is one creates poverty. I like steem because it creates abundance. I think if we can get enough people to chose a different alternative that this world can change and how we interact with one another can be so different.

The change is on already, blockchain is a symbol of freedom, liberty and abundance given by Satoshi Nakamoto to the world. The world system which gives the 1% out of 100% the power to dictate and control the other 99% is rigged from it pioonering stage, revolution against this system is on already.
All the 99% needed was just a leading step towards freedom, blockchain has shown the world that step.

It hurts to know 98% of the 99% are still in the dark not seeing the light. The world is still sleeping obviously and it's our duty to wake the world up to this wonderland.

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