in #enkronos6 years ago


The blockchain innovation to have transformed into a kind of mantra in fintech and government field is by and by attracting more all around energy for its possible applications in different business zones. The continuous intrigue and commitment of various and fundamental industry players, for example, is a banner of this obvious example. 

Associations, with the exception of in the event that they're another business, on occasion interface explicitly with their buyers. This is especially legitimate as associations gain the ground from little to huge scale attempt. The dimension of participation that these associations by then have with their end-customer turns out to be at any point expelled. Associations also as regularly as conceivable redistribute their prerequisites for parts of advertising like correspondences, publicizing and web based systems administration to outside associations. Affecting the path toward beginning a promoting to campaign any longer than it must be. With blockchain and, even more fundamentally, with Enkronos Apps, this redistributing and stresses with the security of information will be relics of days passed by. Enkronos applications imply a gathering of employments through the comprehensive Enkronos blockchain. 


EnKronos is a blockchain based computerized platform, intended to offer business associations with a superior method for drawing in with the gathering of people. This platform has various applications. Each EnKronos application offers a special method for collaborating and connecting with the group of onlookers. These applications frame an ecosystem where the makers can share their new promoting stuff really quick. Each perplexing arrangement shared by the makers offers another answer for an alternate issue. This platform is intended to determine numerous issues pulling business again from drawing in with the 

directed clients. 


The Enkronos application platform is adaptable, giving a scope of administrations wherein the design will coordinate the important segments required. The dimension of information for the most part decides the dimension of the Enkronos application which infers that the dimension of a task will decide the kind of answers for be given. For instance, some projects will request a public or private encrypted framework, though a Fintech endeavor uses the open circulated record since check and cryptographic security is very essential. Clearly, the monetary division is the principal business to explore different avenues regarding the blockchain innovation with its application in the banks, speculation bank, money related foundations and insurance agencies. 

The Enkronos platform tries to give 

feasible administrations to the legislature in the type of crypto-state with will-be capacities which will extend from advanced citizenship to constituent administrations, from expense to the wellbeing frameworks and furthermore social administrations comprehensive. 

In this manner the Enkronos applications is the medium through which all the applications and items on the platform are issued and distributed on it. 

The platform is loaded up with an impossible to miss number of applications that differ from way of promotion to marketing, 

down to promotion. A considerable rundown of beneficiaries exuding from various segments and businesses, for example, money related administrations, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, wine prodivers, agritech, open division (air contamination, water management, squander the executives, brilliant city, safeguard), development part, car, security, vitality, wellbeing, wearables, open segment (governments, areas), city gatherings and affiliations, designers, tech organizations, VC, new companies will discover the Enkronos applications a helpful stage for commitment. Likewise on the end client applications will be designed from every one of the applications on the Enkronos applications platform which will be in type of Android, iOS, Cloud, Google, Facebook applications subject to their uniqueness. There are applications up what's more, running as of now on the Enkronos stage and a considerable measure planned to be 



The Enkronos application is the essential place of remain for all different applicactions, items and administrations accessible on the platform. The application is currently accessible and clients have begun getting a charge out of the application. The main thrust is the task's point settled sternly on organizations drawing in their clients; where purchasers get the opportunity to give or recommend answers for issues in an empowering domain. With the simple to utilize dashboard, they get the opportunity to get input from each application.

For more information visit:

Homepage: https://ico.enkronos.com/

Whitepaper: https://ico.enkronos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/EnkronosApps_WP_1.4.pdf

Blog: https://medium.com/enkronos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enkronos/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2OW3UrPJiCnx-Y6EyL25RA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/enkronos/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enkronos/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnkronosApps/

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Aplk7BMPqcV2UMJHRQYh-w

Bounty0x Username: Lynks

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