A truly healthy society in your country.

in #english6 years ago
In Venezuela it has become widespread that the rules were created to be broken, Unfortunately, many citizens, consciously or unconsciously commune with that phrase, and have become accustomed to breaking the law so frequently, that they perceive that fact as something natural and proper to those of us who inhabit the country, and even qualify as fools those who do not behave as they do. Thanks to this growing minority, we are in danger of institutionalising illegality, disrespect and impunity.


If we want to achieve a country that we yearn for so much, we must, as a first step, appreciate the collective well-being by demonstrating it through the fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities that guarantee coexistence. The interpersonal relations suppose a consensus, a minimum of common norms that must be accepted to guide our conduct.
When we act according to established knowledge, we contribute to the proper functioning of society, learn to respect others and achieve harmony and common welfare. Otherwise, we will become a retrograde and uncertain society; an anemic society.


Let's imagine an anemic society:

When there is an absence of norms in a society, we speak of anomie. This lack produces a series of #pathological relations in the mental health of its members due to the lack of order; currently criminality and extreme delinquency abound since there are control mechanisms and each one behaves according to his own impulses.

Imagine for a moment in your steemit account, what would happen if nobody respected the lines in front of the cinema or the bank box office, or if all the drivers circulated on roads and avenues without respecting the traffic lights and the arrows.

What if one day people start opening clinics without being medical graduates or flying airplanes without pilots?

Life in society would be impossible and intolerable, leading to the loss of self-esteem and respect for others, but also to the identification of roles and the prospect of a prosperous future.


In the broad sense of the term that I am living in my country called Venezuela, we can affirm that the norms are mechanisms of regulation and control created by the human being himself to achieve a harmonious life in common and future conservation of the species.

In the little story my grandmother was telling me about civilizations, the norms have been evolving in the light of religious beliefs, the discoveries and inventions of our Venezuelan brothers, the new thoughts and disciplines, and the progress in social organizations, however, they say that there is a principle that has remained unchanged throughout this process, and it is the one that requires respecting the current regulations.


A citizen in my undesirable country

This person has many other faces, and may be hidden behind the smoked windows of a luxury car, in a cart per stall, behind the counter at a public or private company, or in front of a supermarket checkout. …

The undesirable person justifies his excesses by blaming the medium for his aggressive behavior.

When a victim of abuse expresses this classic phrase, such as when you go out in the country of Venezuela and suddenly ´´en this country does not respect the demás´´, but when you turn the corner you become a victimizer, running over with your car, or yelling profanities at anyone who comes through.


Curiously these people, many of these heads of family, when traveling to other nations that qualify as ´´civilizadas´´, are unable to break the rules and act as jealous guardians of law and order.

While it is true that content is formally transmitted to enhance the need to fulfil obligations, what actually happens is that examples of the opposites are constantly provided. The discourse is unrelated to what is being done, and while there is talk of fulfilling duties, some parents stop paying taxes, many teachers do not attend classes, medical communication structures a programming dominated by violence, and some politicians do not miss opportunities for prebenda and influence peddling.


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