Legalize or not abortion? - The most controversial topic I've talked about.

in #english6 years ago

In advance I want to tell you that I do not come to offend anyone, just share my opinion and I hope to read your opinions.

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It has already around a few weeks that social networks are talking about this issue, there have been numerous images of why it should legalize abortion, others because it should not be legalized.

There is no day that does not review one of my social networks where there is no image or comment on this issue, of course we all have different opinions but there comes a point that people are becoming freaks.

I have seen that they are two sides:

1.- The "Pro-Lives": That support the NO legalize abortion.

2.- The "Pro-Abortion": That they support that they DO legalize abortion.

Let's talk about each of these positions.

1.- The "Pro-Lives".

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Of course these are both people and organizations which are against legalizing abortion, because they think that abortion violates the human rights of the baby (fetus) that has been conceived.

The people who are part of this "Pro-Vidas" think there is no reason for women to decide to have an abortion.

Bearing in mind that there are occasions when women make the decision to have an abortion because they have some kind of illness or because of an illness too serious for the baby (fetus).

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Now we have to:

2.- The "Pro-Aborto"

As we know by how calls are made are the people who are in favor of legalizing abortion.

She thinks that by legalizing abortion, fewer lives will be lost, since women resort to clandestine places where they perform abortions that often ends with their lives due to the conditions of the place where they go.

The pro-abortion people think that each of the women has the right to decide if they want to abort or not, but that the women who abort have access to adequate sites for this practice.


This issue has taken a lot of relevance these last weeks because in Argentina a group of senators will present a project against abortion, although in this country it began to be debated on April 10 in the commissions of General Legislation; Criminal Legislation; Family, Woman, Childhood and Adolescence; and Social Action and Public Health, and it is expected that it will be voted by the plenary session of the deputies on June 13.

Bearing in mind that in Argentina before this type of project has been raised which has not been achieved to legalize this.

According to the Gustavo Córdoba Institute, 60% of Argentines are in favor of the legalization of abortion, 35% are against, the other 5% do not pronounce.

According to the Isonomia Institute, yes and no are at the same level, around 45 or 46%.

However, it is not public opinion that votes, but "much more conservative" parliamentarians, says Liz Ramírez, a 30-year-old teacher.


I think it is time to say my opinion about this topic.

It seems to me that this issue can bring out the worst in people as well as those who approve or not approve abortion, because they tend to become fanatical and think that their ideas and thoughts are the only correct ones.

We are not the ones to judge other women if they decide to abort or not.

I personally would not abort unless there is a complication and the best option is that, but the fact that I do not abort does not mean that if another woman aborts she is less than me or is a bad woman.

I will tell you something, God made us FREE so that each one will make his own decisions, as everything will then have consequences with which everyone should live but we do not become people who believe that their opinion is correct.

I believe in God above all things but that does not give me the power to judge a woman in case she aborts or not.

Let everyone make their own decision

Of course if I think there are ways to avoid this, with family planning, resorting to contraceptive methods, avoiding as much as possible to get to that question "Abortion or not?".

But I'm still impressed with the fact that we should not become fanatical about this issue, neither the Pro-Life nor the Pro-Aborto. "

If you decide not to abort, it does not make a woman better than an abortion.

I want to read your comments and opinions, I am open to every one of your thoughts on this subject, regards

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