Renew and Rejuvenate yourself like the Eagle /motivation/ /samueldc

in #english6 years ago

The Eagle is perhaps the bird most admired for the qualities and virtues that it has and that makes it be recognized as the "King of birds", but in addition to this, it has a great teaching of life to give us, and that perhaps it is its less known facet



Hello friends!

In this opportunity, I am going to tell you about the wonderful lesson of life that the Eagle teaches us. This impressive bird that crosses the great heights of the heavens and that is considered as symbols of freedom, action, skill, protection, focus, determination, power, inspiration and many others.

For thousands of years, the eagle has been a source of admiration and inspiration for many cultures, with a very good reason, it deserves that title of king of birds because there is no other bird in the animal kingdom that represents so dignified and majestically the qualities that it has.

The incredible ability of the eagle to fly so majestically, to focus with its prodigious sight its prey from several hundred meters high and catch it with its powerful claws at an incredible speed makes it an exceptional bird of rapine; the most successful of its kind.

All these attributes accompany the King of birds until he approaches 40 years of age. At this age, the eagle begins to have difficulty to catch its prey and to eat.

Its bill, before long and pointed, curves to its chest and makes it impossible to eat. Its claws, before strong and powerful as a hook, become soft and it is difficult to hunt its prey. The thick and heavy feathers of its wings make it really difficult to fly.

Everything seems to indicate that his life has come to an end, he is losing weight due to lack of food, his energies are diminishing day by day. The eagle knows that if he does nothing to get out of that terrible situation his days will be numbered, and decides to show off one of its greatest virtues "determination"

Not making decisions is worse than making mistakes- anonymous

It is at this time when the eagle must make a decision: "Renew or Die". The eagle decides to make the most sensible decision that is to renew itself and this process will take 5 long months. It goes away to a mountain or a high peak where it will remain those 5 months isolated totally and without being able to feed itself.

The eagle faces a tough decision: to die or to renew itself, but the renewal process is an act of will and also painful

Begin the renewal process by beating your beak strongly against the rocks until you manage to detach it, you will grow a new and strong beak with which you will rip off all the nails one by one, and then you will also grow new and strong nails.

Finally, with his new nails, he plucks feathers from his wings and from his entire body, and a new plumage will emerge that will make the eagle look young and strong again.

It is now when already, strong and rejuvenated; He re-crosses the skies majestically for the last 30 years that remain of his life as the King of birds.

This profound renewal experienced by this bird is one of the most powerful and significant life lessons we can have to inspire ourselves in it and also transform our lives. Maybe we can not transform and rejuvenate our body, although that remains to be seen whether we can or not, but if our lives, our finances, our future, our home, our family, our business, our relationships, our ...

If the eagle, with all its majesty, its greatness, its attributes, but still with all that is below the human species could take that wise decision to renew itself instead of dying Why cannot you and I also take a decision to renew our lives?

It is obvious that we can. We have the ability to think, to analyze, to meditate, to reason, and even to be able to see what our future will be like because now we know that as we think and act today, so will our tomorrow be; unless we are truncated by life.

Look closely at the present you are building, it should look like the future you are dreaming of. - Anonymous

Maybe today is the day to begin to rejuvenate and transform your company, your business, your home, your family, your future, your finances, your relationships.

Let us be able to see what it is that is in us, in our lives, that is sending us a signal of intermittent red light, telling us that it is about to die unless we decide to transform it and rejuvenate it so that it can continue with life.

Do not let the things that really matter in your life reach the point where there is no going back, where everything is irreversible. Have an eagle view to see what needs to be renewed in you. Have the focus and determination of the King of birds to Renew and continue your flight. The time is now because maybe tomorrow will be late. Renew your wings and fly high in search of new opportunities.

Thank you for reading


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