in #english6 years ago

"A year of conflict and misery": this is how 2018 looks for Venezuela

This 2018 does not look like the best year for Venezuela. The generalized crisis that faced the nation in the recently concluded 2017 could gain much more force in this period in which, in addition, citizens are preparing for an electoral call to elect the next President of the Republic, with a Nicolás Maduro willing to re-election.

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From the outset, social conflict looks close on the horizon. Since the end of last December, until the few days that have elapsed since January, protests have been a constant in the national territory.
And is that the motivations of Venezuelans to demonstrate in the streets are still the same as they had all last year, only on a larger scale. Failures in public services, transportation and food shortages were suffered with great intensity throughout Venezuela last December.

Hence, the political scientist and director of the firm ORC Consultores, Oswaldo Ramírez, asserts that in the country are given "all conditions of potential conflict," which would be directly associated with the diminished capacity of the Government to meet the needs of the people.

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An example of this could be seen the previous month with the flaws in the distribution of the Christmas napkin, promised by the Executive through its flagship program to alleviate the shortage, Local Committees of Supply and Production (Clap), which finally resulted in spotlights of protests in several popular Venezuela areas.

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"Here there may be a social spill in 2018 because there is nothing that activates a population more than hunger and more in a society that is not used to poverty," argues the sociologist and secretary of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) , Amalio Belmonte.

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Thank you for this! We heard a lot in the news and it is good to get an update from first hand.

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