in #english8 years ago

Like people, dogs also experience endless feelings that are easy to spot, from happiness, sadness, anxiety, annoyance and even jealousy; And even if you do not believe jealousy are very common in many pets, more when these have been the only ones you have at home.


When a dog since he is small he lives with other dogs or even with different types of pets, such as cats, can develop a sense of empathy broader, something that allows them to be open to play and interaction, even more willing When their owners become involved with other animals besides them.

The opposite happens when dogs develop in an environment where all the attentions are for them, when the coexistence is exclusive with humans, when arriving others of its kind, makes him feel that they are invading it, more when its owners are involved , That's when they experience feelings similar to those of jealousy.


There are several signs that tell us when a dog is jealous, we tell you some of the most common signs.

Aggressiveness. The presence of another pet at home after a long time of being the master and lord, can sit badly on your dog, more when he perceives that he is receiving less attention than usual; In some cases the reaction is not going to wait, and the way in which it will be aggressive, generally will be against the new member of the family, all in order to make it clear who is in charge. You better stop it in time, if its aggressiveness is too much can cause some damage.


Sadness. They may even go to extremes, not necessarily all have to be aggressive when they feel jealous, another common reaction is sadness, their way of showing it is by isolating themselves, letting them do activities that they commonly perform and even do not eat the usual amounts or even nothing.


What to do with a dog that feels jealous

First of all remember that if you are going to take a new pet to your house, the one you already had before should be treated with the same affection and attention as always, before any symptoms that the dog begins to act different, do not neglect, Give him his place and you will see that in time he will adapt to the presence of one more member.

The images were taken from pixabay.com

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