in #english7 years ago

Hello Gente!


Due to this is my first post here in Steemit, I decided to do it about who I am. To be honest I have this account since 2 months ago but I didn't have enough motivation to start writing, until today.

Several weeks ago I was with my cousin @middlechild and we were talking about things randomly but suddenly the most common topic in the mouth and thought of a Venezuelan came out; "the ordeal situation everyday and how difficult the situation is currently". At the end of that coversation, she suggested me to visit Steemit, since she was already doing it. When I take the first look to Steemit I found out a lot of things I liked, posts that caught my attention and a really autonomous community.


I'm Gustavo Luengo and I was born in one of the hottest and happiest city of the world, Maracaibo. I'm proud of being Venezuelan and I really love eat arepas and patacones. Since I was a child I've been a wise and kind person. My parents are the ones whom taugh me to be kind so that I've seen and I'm a witness of their hearts and I know they are as kind as I am.


I'm 16 years old, but within 15 days I'll be 17 years old and I love my name as much as I do love my birthday. December 21st is the most especial day in any year, because to me December is more than a month. I have a really big family which represents lots of great challenges and one of them is getting along with them, but I can tell they're great people and they can turn my day into a good or a bad one.


I have my own dreams and goals as everyone does. However, those dreams have been affected by situations, I do know one day I could make them come true. When I was 10 years old I used to say that I wanted to be an Attorney, a Chef, an Engeenier, etc. But after a really long selection process, I've decided to be a Dentist. I'm going to be a Dentist sooner or later.


I consider myself as a very organized person even when somethings I can't get everything done. I'm a person who forgets the most insignificant thing that's why I'm always put reminders everywhere. I'm bilingual, and even though my mother language is Spanish, I feel genuinely attached to American English and its culture. I do not consider myself as a cinephile but I do like movies. My favorites movies are action movies.

From a very young age, I've had problems coexisting with people who have pointed me out for demostrating a femnine attitude, I've learned to cope with it and right now Im in a relationship for almost four years and I'm very happy and proud of myself because by her side I'm happy. And, do you know something? Going through so many opinions, after the first 100, no one affects you, as long as you are sure who you are and where you want to go.


I hope to feel such a warm welcome like every morning in my city.



Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

You are right

Good job!

I hope that we have a great bond in here. :)

hi, nice to see you here!

Hi! Im glad you are herer too!

Hola, @proudgus!

Mi perfil es @flashfiction y quiero presentarte algunos enlaces que encontré realmente útiles cuando me di de alta en este sitio. Te harán empezar con el pie derecho en Steemit!

Esos enlaces se abren todo en la misma pestaña (Sí, yo sé...), así que recomiendo abrir cada liga con "botón derecho->abrir en una pestaña nueva".

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Todo sobre los tokensTopHay tres monedas en Steemit, y entenderlas es crítico para tu éxito. Aquí están sus características.
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VotarMediaY pensaste que votar aquí era cosa de "metrallar" clicks desde tu mouse y ganar dinero fácil. Nah. Es algo más complicado que eso. Todo lo que necesitas saber está aquí.
Mejor interfazMediaEnfrentémoslo: La interfaz de steemit es bastante básica. "Busy" es una interfaz alternativa, mejor diseñada y más fácil de navegar. Ambas se pueden usar simultáneamente. De nuevo, solo debes hacer "login" ahí.
Entender BotsMediaHay mucho que aprender acerca de steemit, y usar bots es una de las más importantes. Lamentablemente, no pude encontrar una buena guía en español, así que te paso la mejor que hay en inglés. Espero que puedas sacarle provecho.
@HildemaroMediaHay MUCHA gente en Steemit que sube contenido genial, como para seleccionar alguno que recomendar. Pero entre los mejores está definitivamente Hildemaro. Su estilo es accesible, entretenido y te explica todo lo que debes de saber sobre cruptomonedas y uso de steemit.
@flashfictionFantásticoBueno, pues mi perfil! ;) Escribo cuentos cortos y subo tutoriales sobre escritura creativa. Estaría honrado si me siguieras.

Cualquier cosa que requieras, estoy a tus órdenes!!

Nos vemos!

Welcome to Steemit! I am fairly new myself but its great that you are posting! You seem to have a good soul and full of life! The Steemit community is a great please I have found to meet some extraordinary people! Thanks for sharing your story!

Thank you so much! And Welcome to Steemit too!

I upvoted your post for being so honest with us. I am not here 2 months yet, but still my introduction post is way overdue ;-)

I wish you a happy way to your dentist carrier and of course a happy and prosperous Steemit membership.

BTW, I love your flying picture, keep on flying!!

Thank you so much!! I'll keep flying! I already follow you!

Thank you, I follow you too :-)

Think about it now and write down

Hello Gustavo . Am glad you are here on steemit. Hope you have a lovely time here on steemit. I upvoted you,its small, but just a sign of my good will.

Am on a contest now and I really need your vote. All you need do is click this link

And then upvote my comment @stellastella in the comment section.
That will help me win the sports contest. Thanks a lot for your anticipated help. You can join the contest also if you desire. Thanks alot for your help

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