in #english6 years ago

The first thing you have to get between your eyebrows, do not take anything away from the root, it's the worst thing you can do to not end up bitter and throw in the towel in less than a month.

Do you have vices? Start to reduce them little by little, until you reach a point where you do not miss it or manage to consume the minimum! .


Do you take all weekends? Start reducing the quantities but do not abandon the root liquor. If it's a pair of wines or beers, follow it! They are minimum quantities. If you like to drink 6 to 10 beers or glasses of wine, then already there try to go down the frequency of consumption every 15 days, and you will reach a point where it causes you to do it only once in Lent, but I go back and repeat , you do not have to stop drinking for life to enjoy a healthy life. I at least, love my beer from time to time.

As for food, do not think about taking away everything you like to eat. It is not the same to say goodbye rice, bread, pasta, sweets .... NO NO NO, none of that!

Start reducing portions, if you know that you are chubby because you ate 2 and 3 cups of rice, and start to reduce the amounts by eating just one cup, you will see changes and lose weight without stopping to eat what you like .

If you love chocolate do not leave it, a small bar that provides 120 to 150cal, it can be consumed several times a week as snacks, I sometimes liquefy the protein powder with a chocolate bar and it serves me as tremendous pre train, the euphoria is not normal and I train like a beast.

The most important!!! Do not even think about taking away the carbohydrates from dinner, first, it does not make any sense, since even eating carbohydrates at dinner, you get a good loss of fat when sleeping. So it's not good for your mental health, go from eating 2 and 3 arepas, to find a plate of salad and chicken. The anxiety that will give you is not normal, get at least 1 of those 3 arepas to dinner and guess what? You will lose fat, you will feel satiety and you will be happy in your process.


3rd nomber love you

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