A Dream of Whales. Whaleshares Writing Challenge - Bigger rewards - Project Milkbox.

in #english6 years ago (edited)

A Dream of Whales.


"We must not imitate images or forms, we must find the background to achieve to increase our knowledge and then find new and better ways of living."
Miguel Ángel Cornejo.

The creation of communities based on the blockchain emerge among other reasons, because there are visionaries who try to breathe their own DNA into each project undertaken, together with the certain reality that each person, in developing their own community, imposes its rules for those who want to have access, this situation means that in some way these rules, which are the norm of operation designed for a specific community, become over time, at least, detriments for some of its components.

These dissatisfied members of the lived reality, with enough financial muscle and support of work teams, develop a project with a view to a new community with the rules that they consider convenient and propose to the same or other publics, another way of living in these communities, always thinking of redituting their actions, but using other means of attraction, such is the case of Steemit, which promises economic results based on the quality work of the people who live on that platform and not only in trading.

The story tends to be repetitive, it is the case that the Spanish-speaking communities have had little space in these platforms and other collectives are created where entities that have been called "whales" have a powerful weapon called "voting power", with which can reward those members who follow their principles, or overwhelm those who do not comply.

So an situation is recreated where there are individuals who are inside, but do not completely commune with the situations outlined and then other ideas flourish, which developed and come to become another reality as it turns out to be the community that just emerges from the depths of that ocean of the blockchains called "Whaleshares" that comes to fill some gaps that have manifested in the known groups of Steemit and that support the Spanish speakers with a promise to make a better distribution of monetization, while rewarding the effort of quality of the members of this new community.

Therefore, upon receiving a better assessment of the ideas, efforts, originality, passion and work in this new community there will be a feeling of being present, in tune and total harmony, hence the emotion of being rewarded, will create the conditions for achieve success, of course, without losing sight of the work philosophy of the person who has been the driving force behind this titanic initiative, a combination that has become the DNA of this undertaking.

It is at this point where I want to call for reflection about the words quoted at the beginning of the text by Miguel Ángel Cornejo that talks about increasing our wisdom, in this way finding new and better ways of living. So the call is to do things in a new and better way. The true leaderships arise then by the nonconformity before the sensation of injustice, or by the greatness of a dream.

Let us welcome that dream come true called "Whaleshares", we welcome this initiative that has filled us with expectations and desires to do what we have learned to do, but even better, we welcome this community where we will have better opportunities to grow and to have “whale dreams".


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