What is Homosexuality? and How does it influence our lives?

in #english7 years ago

To begin this topic it is necessary to know what is homosexuality? This concept refers to the attraction of the same sex, to which this sexual deviation entails multiple prejudices, discriminations and uncertainties. This concept is becoming more and more latent these days since there is a greater conception of the theme throughout various countries where it has been mostly conceptualized and has alluded to promote this way of life, with regard to marriage between homosexual couples. has installed in different countries. The State of Chile in the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights on the part of the Homosexual Liberation Movement, is in favor of homosexual couples that try to contract the intimate bond but not matrimonially, Even so the subject is in conversation and in debate to legalize said link of marriage.

In Latin America, around three countries homosexual marriage has been legalized, such as Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, in which it is stated that people have a free choice to choose their partner, being supported by the country and leaving discrimination aside, tolerating a development of free sexuality and without prejudice.

This reality is increasingly present and each culture has its own vision can be more accepted or failing, homosexual couples are seen as a true example of discrimination and generating false prejudices that transcend a repressed society and that People with these tendencies are not able to assume their sexual preference.

Going back to see the origin or past times I can mention, that homosexuality does not have a start date, it has been present since very remote times. For example, in ancient Greece homosexual relations between a young man and an older man were normal, considering that at that time man was considered a perfect being and it was normal to fall in love with another man. However, it should be noted that the relations between women at that time were frowned upon because women were considered only for reproduction, generating also a fact of inequality.

In the religious framework of those times, from the Middle Ages homosexuality was seen by the Catholic Church as something unusual and that was not with what God dictated, rather it was considered a case of heresy and was punished with torture and grief of death, usually at the stake, appealing to what was a sin.

To which today we do not see such facts, but still this trend is not accepted since in the religious field it is followed with a mostly wrong view, in addition that the position of religion is very rigid and is guided by what God establishes.

But how does this affect our lives? This conception is affected by the fact that it is not something far from our environment since, more than any of us have acquaintances, family members or friends who share this tendency and we would not like to see how they would be involved in an act of discrimination or mistreatment.

In conjunction with the aforementioned argument I refer to an author who mentions this position of homosexuality, Sigmund Freud considers "... homosexuality as a variation of the sexual function, originated by an arrest of sexual development, what does that mean? basically that homosexuality is caused by an interruption in the development of the infant that is caused by environmental or psycho-cognitive factors ... "

This author reflects that homosexuality is not a disease or a neurotic problem, the theories proposed by Freud establishes that homosexuality occurs from various events that an individual suffers in the stages of psychosexual development, where heterosexual maturity does not occur. to an impact in any of these stages, in which author mentions that people who maintain these inclinations for the same sex is because they did not complete a stage well or they were stuck in the childhood stage, this point of view of the author to me criterion I do not consider it as a fact of the beginning of this inclination, but rather influenced by other emotional factors, physical attraction, is the same psychological, therefore, each individual refers to their own way of seeing this reality and culture In which this is, it is worth noting that Freud defends this position not as a disease, but influences factors that do not develop in one way or another at some stage of human development.

Following this topic I refer to another position of an author who is a psychologist, and English researcher D. J. W. believes that there are three theories the most widespread interpretations of the vulgar on the causes of homosexuality. West, refers to the theorists who call homosexual tendencies as unnatural, to those who have awarded, without being able to prove it.

To which West refers to Theories of the vulgar on the origin of homosexuality.

In the first instance this Perversion is considered in which the individual would adopt homosexuality as a vice either. But the fundamental error that the vicious deliberately chooses the deviation that most ambition him, while the homosexual can not develop a normal sexual behavior even if it is proposed, since even achieving heterosexual acts will hardly eliminate their deepest homosexual desires.

The second theory of West is the Seduction according to mentions that an individual can have senses of conscious homoerotic desires for the first time, stimulated by a person of the same sex who set out to seduce him, said seduction can only explain that he starts in homosexual practices.

An isolated incident of this kind can not explain permanent homosexuality, which in most cases is also exclusive, that is, not compatible with heterosexual activities.

The third theory is the segregation alluded to, to those who share a place where they live together (internees) between single men, without contact with women, or vice versa, women raised without contact with men, they would initiate sexual practices among themselves that would mark them forever.

West adds that the mere lack of psychological contact with the female sex, caused by the total segregation that involves a boarding school or simply spiritual segregation of certain homes, can be a determinant of homosexuality more important than the realization of games. According to West believes that homosexuality is given by various factors mainly by living with people of the same sex making games and that these are conditioning their sexual identity throughout their lives.

Alluding to a theory in which I disagree is structural functional theory, since we see mainly a heterosexual family with its established roles and roles, leaving aside other lesbian, gay, and bisexual sexual tendencies, in which they also complement and acquire the same rights as other people, this is where the concept of inequality occurs and also the concept of homophobia which is still latent in these days producing in society they are seen as minority and inferior groups.

Continuing with the above and with what structural functional theory covers, I mention another author who has the same vision with the theory already discussed. According to T. Parsons, he cites that "... the individual must act before society by sharing values, practical and appropriate modes of conduct, ordering their actions the normative system." Those who act according to these behaviors tend to behave similarly and in circumstances similar that establishes regularities and social, functional balances characteristic of heterosexual people that indicate the form of structure and functions of a way of life, that can be measured.This social equilibrium is given through mechanisms namely: socialization and control Social…"

According to Parsons with his classic conservative position implies that the issue of homosexuality is not specific to society, since it does not comply with the functions of the culture of equality in roles and balances or with the values ​​themselves.

As conclusion of the essay can be mentioned how homosexuality has become an increasingly latent topic. For my part I agree not to consider homosexuality as an illness as Freud does as I mentioned, Homosexuality could be considered as an attitude towards life, Everyone has the freedom to be as they want to be. But we must rescue that we should learn to coexist with a consequence that may be difficult for many to accept, but homosexuals for being what they are are still people who deserve the same rights as heterosexuals. Like heterosexuals, homosexuals feel, think, have the right to live and lead a life.

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