in #english7 years ago (edited)

From my own experience, when a loved one is lost, it is one of the most difficult moments in life. When a famous person commits this act, the entire world is atomic.
Like any other human being, public figures also experience anxieties and disappointments, most of the time, far from the public eye.
When the beloved actor and comedian Robín Williams committed suicide, many of us asked ourselves: How was someone who made the world laugh so brilliantly so disappointed with life that he ended up committing suicide?

Robin Williams despite the happiness he brought to those who knew him in person or those who enjoyed his comedies, Williams was a tortured man. The interpreter of Mrs. Doubtfire always tried to hide an unhappy childhood. Williams was a child brought up in opulence but with an absent father, a prominent executive of the Ford company, and a former model mother whom he described on more than one occasion as a fashion addict. However, she was, without looking, one of the most important influences in his career as the precocious actor tried to make her laugh as a way to win their attention, according to Williams in an interview with the Inside the Actors Studio program.

It was officially declared as "suicide" by the authorities of Marin County (California, USA), where the comedian lived and was found dead on August 11, 2014. The sheriff's office said in a statement that Williams, 63 , died as a result of "suffocation by hanging" at home. "The toxicological tests revealed the absence of alcohol or illicit drugs, and remnants of prescription drugs were detected at therapeutic concentrations."

Williams, winner of an Oscar for the movie The Indomitable Will Hunting (1997), had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and suffered from severe depression, according to his wife, shortly after his death. "He was a brave man and fought his battles against depression, anxiety, as well as against the early stages of Parkinson's disease," he said. "Since his death, all of us who love Robin have found some consolation in the tremendous displays of affection and admiration towards him by millions of people." His greatest legacy, in addition to his three children, is the joy and happiness he offered others, particularly those who fight personal battles, "added his wife.

that fight personal battles, "added his wife.
The actor of Jumanji and Mrs. Doubtfire, recognized on several occasions his problems with alcohol and drugs. His wife was the last person to see him alive the night that preceded his death before going to sleep. According to the police account, Williams' personal assistant was the one who found her body dead in one of the bedrooms in her home. Robin Williams left notes announcing his death "It's time to leave" or "I'm done with everything" are some of the messages that the actor strategically placed around the house for his wife and children to find.

The Oscar winner for The Indomitable Will Huntingcolocó and known for comedy and with a perennial smile on his lips in public, Robin since he was diagnosed with Parkinson's, a condition that according to those who knew him, pushed him to suicide at the age of 63. According to the reports of the police, before dying strangled with his own belt the protagonist of Aladdin or Good morning Vietnam had investigated on the Internet other methods to end his life, such as using anxiolytics. The actor even tried to cut his wrists but he regretted his attempt and cleaned all the blood he had spilled in the bathroom.

A victim of alcoholism during his life, his autopsy showed no trace in the blood of drugs or other substances that he had abused, although samples of a possible form of dementia were found in his brain, which was the key factor that led him to Take your own life The police report also indicated that the interpreter suffered from a pronounced paranoia since his diagnosis of Parkinson's that pushed him to his end. Williams was an avid collector of everything from art to toys, he handed a collection of watches to a friend, a personal item that like the glasses he liked to change every time he left.

Williams' anxiety was such after his diagnosis that the days before his death he slept alone, locked in his room. Despite the happiness he brought to those who met him in person or those who enjoyed his comedies, Williams was a tortured man.
Schneider said that the 63-year-old American actor, at the time of his suicide, was suffering from Lewy body dementia, a neurodegenerative disease that alters mood, movement and causes hallucinations. It is considered as one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease.

"Depression did not kill Robin, depression was one of the 50 symptoms he suffered." The first disorders began to be visible in November 2013. "They appeared like a pinball machine, you did not know exactly where to look," explained his widow. Things worsened the months before his death. Williams suffered anxiety attacks that caused rigidity and also miscalculated distances. His wife found him once with his muscles completely stiff and his head bloodied because he had hit a door.
The doctors performed hundreds of tests to determine his ailment, but the response did not go until the autopsy. This is a common occurrence, since the correct diagnosis of DCL can not be made until after the death of the patient.
According to the official version:
Robin Williams "I can not do it anymore. It's time to leave. " This was one of the many notes left by the American actor and comedian Robin Williams before committing suicide. The autopsy after his death revealed that he had a relatively unknown brain disorder called dementia of Lewy bodies whose symptoms are similar to those of Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's. The cause of death was "suffocation by hanging".

I want to take a minute to thank you for reading my publication and I look forward to your comments .

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