Creating your own brand. Branding - building brand awareness on the internet. Steemit. /ENG

in #english6 years ago (edited)

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Branding - building awareness of your brand in business.

"In the beginning was the word ..." - Gospel according to Saint John.

Word = idea, idea, protoplast of everything, even "creation of the world".
He is the founding father of every business.

The idea for a business and, as a result, the recognisability of a brand built, is the dream of every entrepreneur.

Whether it's an actor or an entrepreneur or a specialist who does construction work for his "brand", he often has to work hard.

This work, however, sooner or later brings profits - building our brand is also an unusual form of investment.

Meticulous fulfillment of our duties, personal and professional development, improvement courses or trainings build a positive perception of us as a qualified professional - we develop a positive opinion, "brand" which results in calls from contractors ringing from morning to evening.
However, for that to happen, it must be "loud" about us.

Our futile efforts are in vain, when being a perfectly qualified professional, we will be sitting at home, and "pantools mail" is the only means of acquiring new customers.

In the internet age, social media is a great tool for this.

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It is through them that we can easily build positive relationships with our clients, building awareness of their own brand among them.

Internet networing has become an indispensable support for every business.
However, in order for our actions to have a positive effect, it takes time.

Startup - action plan.

Hard work + Branding + Social Media, Internet Networking = positive reception from the site of accounts

Hard work.

Let's get to know from the site, reliable and well-performing professional.
You have to work on such opinions and it is not always light.
Acquiring experience, drawing conclusions from mistakes made, day by day our brand built from scratch gains in value.


When building our own brand, we must be recognizable.
For this we need some tools, without which it will not be possible to achieve success.
For some, recognizability is a phone number, name, sometimes our logo is recognizable.
Logotype that will immediately associate us with certain brand features.


What do you associate with Mercedes?
Cars quite expensive, but usually solid, trouble-free, well-finished.
The sight of the "star" itself already evokes such feelings.

The logo must be simple, timeless and, as a result, recognizable.
Used in advertisements, online markting, business cards, on the car, we build our relationships in clients.
In addition to the visual logo, the media uses the so-called sound logo - for example in the Coca Cola TV commercial.

An addition to the logo must be a catchy name, and a memorable advertising slogan

MERCEDES - THE BEST OR NOTHIG (Mercdes or nothing).
The slogan is intended to trigger a specific marketing action among the recipients of advertising.
The best or nothing - in this case the impression of uniqueness, and the awareness that there is no better choice than the "star".

Is the slogan "No star, no driving" - builds negative feelings?
No. And assume that it was not invented by Mercedes marktingowców.

Our website is a great way to build our relationships in customer relations.
A well-structured website, a business card of our company, positioned under a suitable group of recipients, like an advertising leaflet or business card, is the source of building new partnerships in internet networking.
It is on this page that we will showcase our portfolio, completed orders, we will place recommendations from our clients there.

Blogging activity - creating an internet blog in our field additionally builds our brand.
By publishing posts and answering readers' questions, we are credible in the eyes of recipients as excellent professionals.

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Steemit as an opinion-forming platform.

Participation in social media is an indispensable marketing practice.
Steemit is a great place to conduct research on internet marketing.

The copywriting, photographic, blogger's, people running the vlog, boasting of their projects gain the first experience and experience here.
This is due to the fact that we have a smaller group of recipients - it is simply more difficult.

On Facebook, we put a photo of eg your dog, and after a dozen or so minutes we will get a few dozen likes.
At Steemit, unfortunately, you have to work hard.
Photo of the dog + adding an interesting plot, good post title, and proper tagging = recipe for pickup.
Just a different quality of communication.

Patforma is a great place to do exercises.
Each post is such a small marketing campaign, where we have to choose a group of recipients, give some nice logo, photo, fill it with good content, tag it and "sell it".

I recommend to everyone. Fun is really guaranteed.

I invite you to read my other posts. Maybe something will interest you.


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