The religions of the world # 3: The shamans

in #english7 years ago




Shamanism refers to a class of beliefs and traditional practices similar to animism that ensure the ability to diagnose and cure human suffering



The shaman is the one who is attributed the ability to modify reality or the collective perception of it, so that they do not respond to a causal logic. This can be expressed finally, for example, in the ability to heal, to communicate with spirits and to present visionary and divinatory skills.



Shamans are attracted to helping people, either as a therapist or as a teacher. They may be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, etc. Even if your profession is not directly related to helping people, your
intentions to contribute to the highest welfare of humanity is clearly present. His vision of life is tinged with a spiritual sense of how all things are related to one another. They consciously or unconsciously carry memories within them of non-terrestrial spheres of light. They may - occasionally feel homesick for these spheres and feel like a stranger on earth.

The sacred and the profane


The Westerners, however, with a considerably narrower view of the sacred (usually dividing the experiences into "sacred" and "profane", and placing most of them in the latter category); and with a very limited idea of ​​what religion and religious experience were; they were not able to recognize as sacred the diversity of beliefs and practices found in indigenous peoples. Maybe it will help an example of a spiritual practice like fasting. Fasting is a practice found in many religious traditions. And it can be done for different reasons based on religious beliefs that you put in the fast.

What they use for the rites


  • PUSCO.- It is a stone similar to the pumice stone, of leaden color and small size, it serves to cure people with bad luck.

  • JALINGAS.- They are a kind of necklaces with vegetable barks that the Hiachas use to make music, according to the visited shaman "Nelson Santy"; The Urcos, while more music is produced by the Jalingas, the more happy they are when it comes to healing patients, the Shaman hangs these crossways on their shoulders.

  • SACHA RUNAS.- They are two stuffed animals of this name that are tied to a ribbon that the Shaman hangs on their neck, it serves to cleanse people's woes, Santy said that they are happy or content according to the patient they serve, as well : If the patient is going to improve the Sacha Runes they are happy or if they are sad the patient will not have improvement.

  • BONES OF ANIMALS, NAILS OF EAGLE .- They serve to attract luck to people, the explanation is that as the eagle is a hunter and traps its prey, it also captures the Good Luck.

  • YACUN NAIL .- It serves so that women can give birth when they can not do it, for this they scrape a little nail and infuse it in water, this is what the woman drinks and therefore according to the shaman the mother "gives light or birth. "

  • WATER OF GÜIRIRIMA.- It is a compound of water with cuchucho, it serves for impotent men, "Santy el Shaman" said that the way to administer this drink is a spoonful in the morning to the man with this problem and that at night he will have to the safe sexual power.

  • SUPAY AYPA.- It is a little pot of clay found in the tombs of the ancients, inside it contains burial ground, it serves so that people do well in business.

  • MACHIN JACHA.- It is a medium sized stone that the shaman uses to remove the evil from the soles of the patients feet.

  • PACHA RUMI OR JURI JURI.- It serves to see through the orifice that the person possesses, it is a flat lead-colored stone with a hole in the center.

  • AMAZANGA OR JULAGUATO.- It is a small instrument and black color, it is used to play during cures.

  • YACU MAMA.- It is a kind of jaw of some small animal, it serves to clean the body of the person, for it the Shaman scrapes the Yacu breast and mixes it with the Prepared Flowers of the Jungle.

  • SINLLI RUNA.- They are hard tree bark, they are found in virgin forest and for the Shaman they are useful for to know if the couples return or they are separated definitively.

  • PUCA CASPI.- Or also called Palo Colorado, it helps to know if the person is going to have a long life or not, for this the Hiacha rub in the Puca Caspi a drops of Prepared Flowers, if it becomes red the person will have long life and if it does not take any color the the person will die soon.

  • CURACAS OR CURACAS.- They are the skulls of 3 monkeys, the old man, the male and the female; these are the ones who guide the herd in the jungle, through them the Shaman calls or invokes something.

  • TARUGA.- Venado in Spanish and Uyanlli in Shuar, they are 2 horns attached to a bone, it has many powers and the hiacha uses it to heal people who are crazy or who are delirious.

  • MUCAGUA OR CALLANA .- It is a kind of lavacarita of a material similar to the bark of the coconut, used to wash the hands of people who have mobility problems of the fingers, what we know as Arthritis or diseases similar to this.

  • URCO.- It is a leaden stone of irregular shape, it serves to heal the feet or people who are curcas or who can not walk normally, the patients are constantly on the soles of their feet, this stone never ends.

  • BUDDHA.- They are made of bronze and the Shaman has them as an ornament, they do not have any special meaning.

  • KNIFE.- It is made of metal and the hiacha uses it to make the scrapes of the Yacu breast, Yacun nail, etc.

  • CHONTA LANZAS.- They are chonta or also called incorruptible wood, the Shaman uses these to give courage to men, there is a male spear of darker color, the less dark color is the female spear.

  • SCISSOR.- Metal and used to cut out photos of people according to their intentions.

  • WAX IN THE FORM OF A PASSIONATE COUPLE.- It is manufactured industrially in the shape of a naked couple and kissing and caressing on its feet, the hiacha recognizes that it is bought but said that it nevertheless serves to attract the desired couple, whether male or female.

  • WAYUSA PURO.- It is a case in which the hiacha keeps the photos already treated by him, to unite people, he covers it very well and from there the photos never come out.

The following elements make up one and serve to punish diseases.

  • GUASI UNGU GUNACAISANA.- Small grinding stone

  • PURE GUARMI.- Species of small cup of material similar to the bark of the coconut and with black lines in its contour.

  • TINAJA.- As a cup without an ear of a little larger size than the previous one, its material is similar to lead-colored ceramics.

  • SHINGO SHINGO.- Bunch of branches with leaves of the tree of that name that the shaman uses to cleanse the sick.

  • PALATI MUNI.- They serve to give life since they are seeds that, according to the Hiacha, never rot and transmit something of that characteristic to the patient.




    In the Canary Islands, Spain, the Guanche aborigines had a class of priests or shamans called guadameñes. In Asia one is practiced, although at the beginning of the 20th century it was already in decline. Russia, The eastern region of Russia, known as Siberia, is a center of shamanism where many of the people who populate the Urals and Altai have kept these practices alive until modern times. Korea Shamanism is still practiced in South Korea, where the role of shaman is represented by women called mudang. The development of tribal cults in Africa, as in so many parts of the world, is often ascribed, if not to a witch or shaman of the tribe, to a priestly class that acquires particular development as an institution.

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