Unemployment, WHAT IS DUE TO?

in #english7 years ago

The search, lack, longing of a job has become as common today as our anguish to not have Internet connection, but that is a subject that we will be discussing at another time, now, we are going to the topic that concerns us and we bring here today.

It is no strangeness when someone tells us that they are looking for work, that they lack a little food at the table, that they need a little, that they have not been able to meet this month's income due to lack of income, for lack of a job opportunity, because, clearly, they are unemployed, here is the worrying thing, right now we will explore options, we will make assumptions and we will give opinions on the reason for the lack of work, or the high rate of unemployment worldwide.

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Possible causes
• The causes of unemployment are mainly, the political and economic instability of our country that causes great havoc in the population, the lack of investments in industries that generate jobs for society, the crisis we are going through is one of the main factors that they generate massive dismissals of the personnel, due to the lack of resources to work and to continue paying the salaries to the employees
• poor financial and strategic planning, flight of capital to other countries, closure of employment generating companies, etc.
• The demographic explosion is another important factor in this phenomenon, which means that the numbers of people who need work are much greater than the opportunities and vacancies that are available,
• Inflation, lack of preparation and experience are important causes of this problem, due to the fact that there is a growing dropout rate in schools, which in turn means that people do not have the training and knowledge required by companies, industries, etc. to qualify for the positions they offer.
• Another cause of the increase in unemployment rates is the high degree of corruption, which generates a misuse of power in order to achieve its own benefits, which leads to the existence of crimes such as major financial thefts, which they could well be used to generate jobs, but nevertheless they are usually used for illicit businesses.
• The most recent causes that contribute greatly to mass unemployment are the lack of human resources, since, as has been seen in many international interviews (China, Japan, etc.) companies (large or small) are regardless of human personnel, since they use robots, machines to perform such work, since of course, a human being is noticeably slower at the time of the execution of certain trade.
• As a next cause, the generational factor also influences, and that is that many companies, companies, jobs indicate that the rates of female participation in the labor market remain well below that of men
• Thus, as gender or sex is an influential factor or cause for unemployment increase, so is age, and it is clear that an average person can not (or should not) perform certain types of jobs or jobs due to his advanced age.

Some numbers to take in consideration
Latin America and the Caribbean
• The unemployment rate should decrease from 8.2% in 2017 to 7.7% today to 2019.
• The region is still far from recovering completely from the loss of jobs registered in recent years. The regional vacancy rate in 2014 was 6.1%.
North America
• The unemployment rate would have fallen from approximately 4.7% in 2017 to 4.5% in 2018, as a result of a decrease in that index in Canada and the United States.

Unemployment: 2018 Countries
Countries Unemployment rate Var. Var. Year Month
España 16,1% -0,20 -2,10 Feb 2018
Alemania 3,5% -0,10 -0,40 Feb 2018
Reino Unido 4,3% -0,10 -0,40 Jan 2018
Francia 8,9% -0,10 -0,70 Feb 2018
Italia 10,9% -0,20 -0,60 Feb 2018
Portugal 7,8% -0,10 -2,10 Feb 2018
Zona Euro 8,5% -0,10 -1,00 Feb 2018
Estados Unido 4,1% 0 -0,40 March 2018
Japón 2,5% 0,10 -0,30 Feb 2018
Argentina 8,5% -0,80 Sept 2016
Austria 5,2% -0,30 -0,60 Feb 2018
Australia 5,6% 0,06 -0,31 Feb 2018
Bélgica 6,4% -0,20 -1,30 Feb 2018
Bulgaria 5,3% -0,60 -1,30 Feb 2018
Brasil 8,2% 0,60 2,30 Feb 2016
Canadá 5,8% 0 -0,90 March 2018
Chile 6,7% 0,20 0,30 Jan 2018
Colombia 11,8% 3,13 0,03 Jan 2018
Chipre 9,6% -0,20 -2,80 Feb 2018


Just by looking at the alarming procenteges of unemployment, of only some countries, it can be seen that unemployment is not just a figure or a "pebble in the shoe" but, rather, is a big problem for which many, but many people have to deal with today, affecting their financial / economic status, their family life, physical, mental, loving and even hygienic, because of course, if a person does not even have to eat, pay the rent (or monthly payment) , you will not have it to buy a bar of soap, a brush, to pay for water, basic services, which not only help us to have a "basic" or comfortable quality of life, but also helps us to survive, because is that these services, should not be a "luxury" for ANYONE but rather, an obligation of the State to provide for those who need it most, and the numbers increase, there are more and more people without employment, which leads to the poverty, which leads to a bad diet mentation, a bad (or deficient) hygiene, which deals with diseases, which leads to death, and this may sound a bit too drastic, maybe something dramatic or even silly, but then, it is like that, the chronic lack and prolonged of a job, it can damage us too much, and it is that a job is not simply and simply a job, work or activity that a person develops a certain time or for "some" hours a day and ready, then NO! A job is the food of a whole family, it is a vocation, for those who perform it with passion, effort and dedication, a job is an opportunity, an opportunity to be entrusted with certain tasks or actions, a job is a discipline, for prove to ourselves and others that we are capable of achieving extraordinary things, and of course the most important thing (at least for me) is the education of our future leaders, politicians, doctors, etc. Of those people whom we have condemned to it is their "duty" to "save" us all when the reality is that we do not even give them a chance, even the most remote, we do not give them a vote of confidence, and much less give them weapons.


Unemployment is not something simple, it is not just a number or numbers, it is a reality, and it is a reality that affects us all of many and different, this reality is growing more and more to such an extent that it stops being only a "reality" reduced by the media, politics and society but it will become a crisis (if it is not already) so, as a recommendation or suggestion I think that the most viable right now is education, learning as long as we are able to, acquire so much skills as long as we fit in the body because job competition is getting worse and unemployment is bigger so learning, knowing, knowing, exploring is vital nowadays to achieve a good job position or simply to undertake, produce, design, create, break rules and set parameters.


Table source: https://www.datosmacro.com/paro

Source. Translation from spanish: https://steemit.com/spanish/@duc4/falta-de-empleo-a-que-se-debe-opinion-y-supocisiones


nice post

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