Happy Day! Virgin of Guadalupe.

in #english7 years ago

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Today On December 12 it is celebrated the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Always I have felt great devotion for the brown virgin. Today I want to tell them a bit of his history.

In the year 1531 the first days of the month of December an Indian named Juan Diego, went from his town to the city of Mexico to hear the holy mass, just as it was coming to a hill called Tepeyac. I hear a voice calling him. He climbed to the top of this hill where he found a beautiful lady. Which Juanito told the youngest of my children, I am the always Virgin Mary, Mother of the true God.

She wanted that in the summit of this hill a temple was done to him, he said to juan who was with the bishop and should say to him that she was wishing that the temple constructed in this place in specific. When juan Diego I return to his village he met again the virgin and the virgin said to him that the following day it was to speaking with the bishop. The following day Juan Diego I manage to speak with the bishop but the bishop said to Juan Diego that the virgin should give some sign that was proving that she was the mother of God.

when Juan Diego was returning of speaking with the bishop he met the virgin and I explain to him what the bishop had said to him, the virgin said to him that it had to return the following day to the same place and there she would give the test for that they were asking. The following day Juan Diego could not return, since his uncle was very sick.

On December 12, right at dawn, Juan Diego left in a hurry looking for a priest because he thought his uncle would die. When he reached the place where he was supposed to meet the virgin, he decided to take another path, but this was not worth anything because the virgin found him and asked him where he was going. He explained what was happening with his uncle and she told him not to worry that he was well and would not die.

Juan Diego at the time said to him that it should give to him the test that the bishop had asked him. This one rose to the summit of the hill and found a few roses that I cut and removed them to the bishop. When Juan Diego I come before the bishop it opened his blanket and they fell the roses and in the blanket the image of the virgin of Guadalupe.

In Mexico it is venerated by great devotion and there are great the miracles that assume her.

In a not very distant future I expect to be able to go for Mexico and to visit the temple of the morenita of the Tepeyac.

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